E (Engage) – Flying Forward

FLYING FORWARD – ENGAGE – Student Produced, Student Driven & Teacher Facilitated 

Students Draw Connections


✔ Students are sharing, demonstrating or presenting their knowledge through technology. 

✔Students participate in digital discussions or collaborate digitally

✔ Students experience having lots of choice in learning activities.

Strategies: Student Engagement & Produced Life Experiences, Taking Ownership of Learning, Teacher Feedback, Monitoring & Adjusting Instruction, Higher-Order Thinking, Student-Led Discussions, Student Collaboration & Feedback, Analyzing & Evaluating

Examples for this level: 

✔ Present Digital Products: Presentations, Google Sites, Blogs, Videos

✔ Digital Collaboration: Shared Google Docs, Slides, Spreadsheets & Sites, Blogs (with comments), Collaborative Storywriting, Mindmaps

✔ Digital Demonstrations: Screencastify, Explain Everything, iMovie

✔ Digital Discussions: Google Hangouts, Padlet, Google Groups, Flipgrid, Google Docs/Slides, Poll Everywhere, Mentimeter, Popplet, Mindmeister