FG04 (Basic Course)

4th Term

"Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair“: Shakespeare’s 'Macbeth' and Tarrantino’s 'Pulp Fiction'

"It was dead good. It was like a thriller" and "... it was a dead excitin' story. [...] It's fun, tragedy, isn't it." (Rita about Macbeth, cf. 'Educating Rita' scene 6) 

3rd Term

Britain and the World: Work and Leisure 

Reclam UB 9038 ISBN 3-15-009038-5:

Sillitoe, Alan: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, EUR 7,60

(will be presented by the students after the autumn holidays, i.e. should be read in the autumn holidays) 

2nd Term

Britain and the World: Gender Roles

Diesterweg ISBN: 3-425-04099-5

Educating Rita

EUR 9.95 

1st Term

Introduction to Literature 

Klett ISBN 3-12-577340-7:

Great Short Shorts EUR 7,75

(will be used after the summer holidays) 

Class 11

Aldous Huxley: Brave New World