BG16 (Advanced Course)

4th Term

Shakespeare and His Time

The drama will be presented by the students after the winter holidays, cf. file BG17 13.2 Term planning.pdf

Shakespeare and His Time

The drama will be presented by the students after the winter holidays, cf. file BG16 Term planning 13.2.pdf . Therefore it should be read during the winter holidays. Since the drama and explanatory notes are available online, students need not buy the paper edition. As usual, summary and interpretation are required - copy&paste is not acceptable.


The History of English 

The Merchant of Venice Translation into modern English

The Merchant of Venice PDF Original Text - Modern Text

Shakespeare Online The Merchant of Venice

Spark Notes The Merchant of Venice

Themes in the drama: Wikipedia

3rd Term

Classic Tales of Crime and Detection

Klett English Editions: unabridged text with annotations

ISBN 978-3-12-534642-0

"A Study in Scarlet" (abridged) and the short story "A Scandal in Bohemia" should to be read before the beginning of the term. Sherlock

Homework, deadline: Tuesday 8 January 2019, 12:00, upload to HumHub

Compare (i.e. show similarities and differences)  the characters Adler, Holmes, Watson and their relationships in

A Study in Scarlet/Pink and

A Scandal in Bohemia/Belgravia

Write 1000 - 2000 words.

 The Tell-Tale Heart (short story by Edgar Allen Poe, first published in 1843)

2nd Term

The Individual Between Conformity and Rebellion

Made in Dagenham is a 2010 British film, which dramatises the Ford sewing machinists strike of 1968 that aimed for equal pay for women.

1st Term

The Individual Between Conformity and Rebellion 

Poem: “Harlem”

Poem: “I, Too, Sing America”

Song: “Strange Fruit”

Film: Crash (2004)

Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird - Klett, ISBN 978-3-12-578860-2 - 9,99 EUR 

The book will be presented by the students after the autumn holidays. Therefore it has to be read during the autumn holidays.

Audio book available at YouTube, e.g.  Audiobook Part 1 of 2 and Audiobook Part 2 of 2

or chapter by chapter read by Ms Eliot

We will watch the 1962 American film drama, also availabe at YouTube.