BG17 (Advanced Course)

Abitur 2020

Englisch:  Samstag, 16.05.2020   gem. Erlass des MK vom 27.03.2020

"Die Lehrkräfte der Prüfungskurse werden aufgefordert, Kontakt zu den Prüflingen aufzunehmen und ihnen Beratungs- und Unterstützungsangebote zu machen. Dies gilt auch für den Zeitraum der Osterferien."   siehe Erlass des MK vom 27.03.2020

Hinweise zur schriftlichen Abiturprüfung 2020

Zur Vorbereitung des Prüfungsteils 1 a) Hörverstehen: Watch these videos.

Zur Vorbereitung des Prüfungsteils 2 – Textaufgabe: 

Eigenständig nachlesen , was in Wikipedia (English version) zu den in den "Hinweisen zur schriftlichen Abiturprüfung 2020" genannten Materialen steht. Diese Aussagen und die im Unterricht diskutierten Grundideen (z. B, "equality") bilden dann die Grundlage für die Bearbeitung einer Aufgabenstellung wie z. B.: "Comment.../Compare... Also refer to materials studied in class."

NLQ: Musteraufgaben und Hinweise Englisch 2020

4th Term

Shakespeare and His Time

The drama will be presented by the students after the winter holidays, cf. file BG17 13.2 Term planning.pdf

Shakespeare and His Time

The drama will be presented by the students after the winter holidays, cf. file BG16 Term planning 13.2.pdf . Therefore it should be read during the winter holidays. Since the drama and explanatory notes are available online, students need not buy the paper edition. As usual, summary and interpretation are required - copy&paste is not acceptable.


The History of English 

The Merchant of Venice Translation into modern English

The Merchant of Venice PDF Original Text - Modern Text

Shakespeare Online The Merchant of Venice

Spark Notes The Merchant of Venice

Themes in the drama: Wikipedia

3rd Term

Gains and Losses 

Kazuo Ishiguro: Never Let Me Go

Klett unabridged text with annotations ISBN 978-3-12-579878-6

The book will be presented by the students after the summerr holidays, therefore it should be read during the holidays.

Never Let Me Go (2010 film)

The Pursuit of Happyness 

2nd Term

Classic Tales of Crime and Detection 

Klett English Editions: unabridged text with annotations

ISBN 978-3-12-534642-0

"A Study in Scarlet" (abridged) and the short story "A Scandal in Bohemia" should to be read before the beginning of the term. Sherlock (TV series)

Homework, deadline: Monday 3 June 2019, 12:00, upload to HumHub

Compare (i.e. show similarities and differences)  the characters Adler, Holmes, Watson and their relationships in

A Study in Scarlet/Pink and

A Scandal in Bohemia/Belgravia

Write 1000 - 2000 words. 

The Tell-Tale Heart (short story by Edgar Allen Poe, first published in 1843) 

1st Term

The Individual Between Conformity and Rebellion 

Carol Ann Duffy, “Originally”

Langston Hughes, “Harlem“

Amy Tan, “Two Kinds“

Pleading Child


Scenes from Childhood (3:38-4:24 and 4:25-5:47, notes and music))

Film: Crash (Paul Haggis, 2004) 

Homeworks: 'Crash': Describe and analyse "your" character.

"Your character" see below BG17 Term planning 12.1

Upload your paper to

Deadline: Monday, 14 January 2019, 8.10 am

 1) Summarize the main idea of “your” stanza.

2) Analyze the language of “your” stanza and explain its effect on the reader.

3) Comment on the sentence “All childhood is an emigration”.

Deadline for mail: 6 September 2018, 24.00 hours


Deadline for mail: 13  September 2018, 24.00 hours  Read Amy Tan: “Two Kinds“ during the autumn holidays

 "Where do you come from?" - "Originally?"

Emigration - Immigration: My Family and I

Assignment: Give a talk on your family's history. Take into consideration:

Additional topics for talks

Early human migrations (Jannis)

Early expansions of hominins out of Africa

Settlement of the Americas

Emigration (Nele)

History of immigration to the United States

United States Declaration of Independence (Lara)

I Have a Dream