People Photos
This sub-page for People is part of the Photo Subject Index
People 2:3049-1-3;
Aldrich, Allan 8:4939-182
Allen, Col. 19:2337
Allison, Dennis (David?) 8:4939-141
Ambroso (Amarillo?), Paul 8:4935-115,134
Ahluwalia, Dr. Daljit Lingh 8:4939-160
Barton, John 8:4939-145
Baty, Kathleen Gallagher 8:4939-283
Beall, LaVerne 8:4939-151
Becker, Frank 13:1696
Becker, Margaret 13:0800,1594
Bedwell, Mike - See City Manager
Belangie, Michael 7:4349-71,72; 13:1021; 14:0717a
Bellamy, Pat 8:4939-180
Bennett, Jack 33:5257
Belangie, Mika and Mary 52:2782
Bentley, Rachel 14:1153; 37:5428;
Bernhart, Prince (Netherlands) 21:2223
Berry, Lis 8:4939-152
Billheimer, Carolyn 8:4939-265
Black, Dorothy 7:4349-103
Blake Family 14:0523-26,28
Blake, Dr. Alfred Edward 14:0527,0561,0590
Blanchard 21:0127
Bland, Jack 6:4939-5 to -9
Block, Jim 14:1983
Bonde, Ira 14:0717a,1689,90,91a,b(2),b,92a,b,93; 37:3049-1
Brady, Frank 52:2451;
Brand, John 8:4939-137
Broggi, Amelia 10:0858
Bross, Lorette 8:4939-293
Brown, Rob 6:3939-11
Bruce, Carol 8:4939-188
Burgess, Mike 13:1594
Campbell, Lewis 6:4939-3Cuff, Tom 32:2264
Cappiello, Dona 8:4939-122
Carr, Jaye 8:4939-230
Carter, Georgia *:4939-146
Casey, Bill 7:4349-70
Chan, Dr. S. Wing 52-1623-24
Chavez, Monte 8:4939-164
Christmas, Col. T.W.E. 19:2337,2339,2340
Cizanckas, Victor 56:5546-7
Clancy-Kotch, Joel and Sharon 8:4939-171
Clark, Thalia 8:4939-136
Cleese, George 52:1706-07
Clyne, Sister Diane Marie 8:4939-277
Cohen, Garrett 8:4939-192
Cole, Hannelore 6:4939-19
Conley, Sally 7:4349-88
Cook, Rhetta 7:4349-63
Corr, Col. 10.2340
Crane, Eugene 19:0591
Crumrine, Roy 8:4939-178
Curlette, Jackie 8:4939-172
Daniel, Kenneth 8:4939-263
Demeter 14:0717a
Dolan, Jan - See City Manager
Donohoe, Emilie Blair 20:183c
Donohoe, Joseph Agustine 20:1183d
Douglass, Leon - See
Douglas, Pete 8:4939-156
Doyle, Fr. James 20:0719
Draeger, Frank 8:4939-294,95
Draeger, Richard 8:4939-296
Duff, the children 20:1832
Duff, Murtha 20:1833
Duff, Michael 20:1859; 32:1830
Duff, Rosena 32:1831
Dunlap, Susan 7:4349-35,66
Eakins, Pam 8:4939-175
Edgar, Jeff 7:4349-108
Elsesser, Mike 6:4939-25
Ely, Harry 52:1623
Ely, Leonard 7:4349-544,55
Falkowitz, Leslie 8:4939-248
Farey, Arden 7:4349-36-38
France, D. 58:0579
Fey, Eunice 8:4939-133
Flood, James 34:0204,0287,0319-21,0323,24,26b,27-29
Flood, Mrs. James 34:0205a
Foley, Mother 58:0989,1868
Ford, Steve 53:1648
Forrestal, Mary 8:4939-159
Gaggioli, Sue 8:4939-291
Gale, Susan 3:3067-1
Gale, Col. William 19:2340
Gionnatti 52:1903,2511
Giovacchini, Irene 8:4939-225;
Godman, Lou 8:4939-187
Goldstein, Michael 8:4939-165
Graham, Nan Wood 7:4349-44-46,48
Grant, Gerald 8:4939-227
Gunn, Peg 8:4939-229;
Haglund, Barbro 8:4939-153
Hanley, Jack L. 8:4939-158
Hathorne, Clayton 8:4939-240
Hausman, Helen 52:8283
Hayden, Elmo 3:3048-1-4
Head, John 8:4939-191
Heathcote, Megan 8:4939-135
Higham, Cristina 8:4939-236
Hopkins, Mrs. Timothy 22:1046
Hopkins, Timothy 22:1045
Horn, Gale 8:4939-143
Hubbard, Leroy 52:1619
Hurlimann, Mary Ann 7:30
Ingram, Frank 7:4349-92
Jalali, Ahmad 8:4939-168
James, Kevin 7"4349:32
Johnson, Elaine 8:4939-144
Johnson, Gail 54:2509
Johnson, J. Cyril 7:4349-93
Johnston, Larry 22:0953;
Jones, Calvin 8:4939-228
Joulie Family 24:1530, 1533, 1536-44
Kaodos, Belo 8:4939-174
Katchadourian, Herant 52:0806;
Kavanaugh Family 23:2071-73,78,81,2102-04,10,2789;
Kearney, Thomas 53:5398
Kelly, Carol 8:4939-281
Kelsch, Dr. Robert 8:4939-120
Kesey, Ken 25:5389
Kluck, Martin 24:1533
Knapp, Gordon 8:4939-126
Knoop(?), Stanford 7:4349-31
Knox, Julius 8:4939-282
Koerschen, Joel 7:4349-75
Krumm, Rev Paul 7:4349-77
Landoet, Josef 8:4939-142
Lane, Mel 62:2224, 2315
Lantos, Tom 7:4349-94;
Lareau, Armand 8:4939-284
Lavois, Fredrique 6:4939-27
Lawsen, Kurt 7:4349-43
Lawson, Bill 26:2287
Leahy, Daniel 7:4349-34
Learman, Frank 21:2223
Ledesma, Ralph 7:4349-33
Leydon, Mary K. 8:4939-206
Liddle 0717a
Liston, L. W. "Laurie" 7:4349-64
Loofbourow, L. 52:2783
Love, Frank 53:0594
Luttiken, Bob 8:4939-124
Machon, Bob 8:4939-131
Marten, Fred 8:4939-157
Mathers, Richard 7:4349-76
May, Antoinette 7:4939-49-53
McCarthy, Martin & Pat 60:2107;
McCloskey, Pete 52:1193
McKeon, Father Tomas 3:2986
Merrill, Christina 8:4939-212
Merrill, Charles 5:2985
Midgley, Henry Family 62:2878a,b,d,f
Midgley, Roland 48:0954
Miller, Ian 8:4939-199
Mills, Edgar 48:2520
Miner, Capt. 19:2339
Mirkhani, Fred 8:4939-138
Montell, George 48:0595
Moore, Chris 7:4349-70
Moore, Erma 8:4939-148
Morey, Kip and Pat 52:1621
Morris, Evan 13:0800
Morris, Jack 8:4939-231;
Mullins, Henry 8:4939-216
Native American 48:3179a,b,d-h
Ogawa, Motoyo 7:4349-41
O'Keefe, Dennis 48:0775
O'Keefe, James T. 48:1176,76a
O'Keefe Family 48:0064
Oliver, Kevin 7:4349-96
Oram, Charles 49:0085
Overton, William 54:2508
Parks, Ben 9:no image number
Paya, Bruce 8:4939-218
Perfumo, Dante 7:4349-83,84
Pessan, Henri 8:4939-125
Peters, Wayne 6:4939-4
Peterson, Bob 6:4939-28;
Ploeser, Chris 8:4939-194
Pombo, Steve 8:4939-169
Pomeroy, Gretchen 6:4939-14
Prior, J.K. 54:0018,0443,0444
Prior, Lee 54:0448
Records, Ruth 8:4939-177
Riepenhasen, Peter 8:4939-121
Richards, Gilbert 52:1620
Roach, Frank 58:0671
Robinson, Jim 54:2461
Rogers, Stanley 58:0807
Rolf children 58:0025
Roselle, A.C. & Anne 3:3067-2
Rudolph, Louise 6:4939-13
Ryan, Madge 58:3329,31,34
Ryan, Will 58:3332,33,34
Sammet, Philip 8:4939-140
Santos, Jerry 7:4349-80
Schapelhouman, Harold 34:5273
Schmidt, Hans 8:4939-293
Searles, D. 52:2782
Services, Adia 8:4939-123
Shannon, Larry 54:233
Sherman, Susan 8:4939-116
Sherry, Kate 8-4939-130,176
Soals, Gary 8:4939-161
Sims, Kevin 7:4349-98
Sims, Lisa 54:2306
Small, Meredith Phillips 8:4939-128
Smith, Cathy 7:4349-57,58
Smith, T. J. (Cottage Rows) 61:0069
Snipkin, Jacquelline and Norman 8:4939-155
Sorenson, Ted 63:1891-12,-36,-36a,-37
Soto, Jack 8:4939-203
Spicer, Cherith 8:4939-242
Spreckels, Claus 5:3020
St. Clair, Greg 14:2237
Stallard, Dr. D. H. 61:0437
Sterling, Loren 7:4349-105
Stirn, Brad 8:4939-118,119
Sturz, Hans 60:0896
Sturz, Hans Mrs 60:0894
Sturz, Violet 52:1741
Sullivan, Don family 62:0454
Symonds, Martha 7:4349-47
Szeto, Belilnda 8:4939-179
Tarlton, Tig 8:4939-117
Tchelistch, Victor 6:4939-26
Tembreull, Scott 7:4349-104
Terwilliger Family 62:2877,2878c,d,e,f,g
Tuabman-Quijano, Andrea 8:4939-173
Twiggs, John 34:0628d,0267a
Underhill, Bud 5:3064
Unger, Susan 7:4349-85-87,89
Villa, Heriberto 58:2299
Vogel, Charlie 8:4939-207
Vansant, Annemie 8:4939-193
Wagonseller, George 5:2385
Ward, Jeanne 19:2339
Wear, Jean 8:4939-224
Weber, Beth 6:4939-16
Weeden, Joe 58:0579
Weeden, William 61:106
Whitaker, Dan 8:4939-166
White, Billy Ray 8:4939-221;
White, Deadrick 8:4939-215
Whiteley, Carol 8:4939-181
Williams, Rev. 7:4349-74
Wilson, Lyle 6:4939-12
Wing, Bob 7:4349-60
Wood, Virginia 8:4939-202
Young, Mary 8:4939-184
Zats, Boris and Lucy 8:4939-129