Registration Form:

Sponsors Form:


Rock Around the Block 2023


We are excited to invite you to the 5th annual Rock Around the Block. This fun event  is a one mile dance that encourages community members of all ages to come together and "JUST DANCE."  

This community event begins at 8:00 AM in the parking lot of 1 Caisson Drive, Franklin, IN with registration and rock painting followed by Moyra’s Mile of Dance beginning at 9:00 AM. This event will have participants dancing through the streets while spreading positive messages of encouragement throughout Franklin for others to find in the form of beautifully painted rocks.  We will end at the Amphitheater, dropping participants off in the heart of the Franklin Fall Festival, where registered participants will receive a goody bag and will be eligible to win multiple prizes. (Must be present to win.) To increase your chances to win, consider donating a package of diapers to increase your chances to win!

Event Date: Saturday, September 30, 2023

Event Time and Location:  1 Caisson Drive, Franklin


Diaper Drive: Each participant will automatically get one entry into the prize drawing. Increase your chances of winning by bringing an unopened package of diapers to help children in our community.  Each package of diapers equals another chance to win! All diapers will be donated to Johnson County Food Pantry to be distributed to families in need.

Event Registration: Register by September 15th to guarantee your T-shirt. Registrations accepted now through the day of the event.  Registration fee is $20 per person or $60 for a family of 4 (T-shirt included if registered by 9/15/23)  *T-Shirts are not guaranteed after 9/15/23.

Dancers and 4-H Members: Registration fee will be waived for all dancers enrolled in any dance group and any current 4-H members. *Free registration does not include T-Shirt which may be purchased separately for $15.

The Moyra McCain Memorial Foundation is working hard to honor Moyra’s memory by making a positive impact on local youth throughout our community. We do so by promoting  a love for Moyra's passions which include fun, friends, 4-H, and of course dance. We hope you and your entire family will join the fun! For more information on the Moyra McCain Memorial Foundation connect to our page. 


Would you or your business like to be a sponsor?  

We appreciate all our participants and sponsors!