The biophysics lab

as a whole (B108)


a Mx3005P (for variable-temperature 96-well plate fluorescence experiments)


a ClarioStar (for 96-well plate fluorescence, absorbance, luminescence experiments)


a Multiskan GO (for isothermal 96-well plate UV-Vis experiments)


 a FP-8500 spectrofluorimeter with an 4-position Peltier cell changer


a spectrophotometer V730Bio (with thermostated 6-position Peltier cell changer)


 a electrophoresis station with a ChemiDOC MP imaging system


 a CD J-815 spectropolarimeter with a thermostated 6-position Peltier cell changer 


 an Octet R2 protein analysis system 

 the cell culture lab (B-107)

 our Olympus IX83 inverted microscope

a Sartorius IncuCyte S3

Live-Cell Analysis System