
Monarto Black Powder & Shooting club was formed by a group of SSAA (South Australia) members who were keen competitive black powder shooters.

The initial and most important reason for forming this new group was because of the distances required for National and International class events.

We shoot pre 1900 replica and original percussion & flintlock type firearms and old west cowboy era firearms

SINGLE ACTION DISCIPLINE has recently been added to our club and has been keenly followed by a section of our membership.

Costume of the era is mandatory and holster accreditation is needed but does not exclude participation

Revolvers, lever action rifle (pistol calibre) and shotguns are normal firearms necessary for this particular discipline.

Each shooter shoots a sequence individually and is closely scrutinized by the range officer and 3 spotters (for scoring and adherence to correct procedure) this makes for an extremely safe shooting event for any age group. This discipline is favorable for men and women of all ages. Firearms are only loaded at a specific loading area and after the shooter has finished completing the stage firearms are checked at the unloading table before leaving the firing line. The events are based on speed and accuracy and a little bit of fun.

SASS rules are followed and participation in inter-club / inter-association events are encouraged - making for a unified shooting discipline.

Aliases are chosen by each shooter and they are addressed as such during events and social occasions.

Often these aliases are from well known western films or stories or are made up to provide a connection with the individual.

see link below for info



Other Disciplines we shoot

Muzzle loading (Black Powder Rifle & Pistol)

Cartridge Rifle (Black Powder & Smokeless)

The SSAA (South Australia) Inc State range at the Monarto Shooting complex was available and the SSAA encouraged us to form a new club based at this facility.

    • Range is a shared facility and all facades and target frames etc must be cleared and stowed away after every shoot.

    • The training/function room and facilities are ideal for meetings and other club activities.

    • Club rooms have reverse cycle air conditioning

    • Shooting area is undercover

    • Our club has several SSAA accredited range officers and a firearms safety instructor

    • SASS RO1 and RO2 accredited range officers

Our members have made successful journeys interstate to National Championships and have brought home numerous Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.

We shoot on range 7 and have 28 benches available at distances out to 200 meters

Usual programmed shoots are 2nd Saturday of the Month

Please contact the secretary for more info

  • contact Secretary sec.monartobp@gmail.com Ph 0408 080 692