Procedures Forms
Room Change
Move-Out Intent to Vacate Room Condition Form
Constitution = Articles of Incorporation + Member Resolutions to Amend
Decisions of the Board
Purchasing Criteria
Current Directors: Mitesh, Brian, John, David F., Xiao, Naomi
Originally Elected Directors in June'18: David E., Dmitriy Pliev, Ed McGarity, Frank Summerfield, Mitesh Rai, David Fritsche, Brian Ashman, Xiao Yi, Dylan O'Brien
Officer Positions remain as assigned until re-delegated by the BOD.
An out-going officer is obligated to help train and transfer tools & records to the next even after stepping down as a Director. With so few members, we must be creative to keep operations going as academic obligations change who has time for what.
Each member on the MSC Board of Directors casts one vote.
Five Directors are a quorum to pass any board decision, or enact new MSC policy. Because we are only 41 members, the quorum for members meetings to elect Directors, Amend our Incorporation, or over-ride a BOB/Management Decision is only 5 members.
Since MSC now logically falls under Housing Cooperative, that law implies a quorum of only three Directors is needed to make binding decisions that all agents and Members are to abide by. Directors can now pass motions and enact policy via email, but it still must be recorded in Minutes that get posted in each house. Coordinators and various member positions created to serve our needs often have authority comparable to an Officer, without a requirement to sit through BOD deliberations.
2015 BOD: Mitesh, John, Yi, David, Brian, Peter, Aaryn
Current Officers & Contracts
Presider: vacant
VicePres: vacant
Treasurer: John Tram
Secretary: Brian Ashman
Presider: David Elgersma
VicePres: Dylan O'Brien
Treasurer: John Tram
Secretary: Brian Ashman
Presider: Mitesh Rai
VicePres: John Tram
Treasurer: David Elgersma
Secretary: Yi Tong
Presider: Thomas Radatz/ Mitesh Rai
VicePres: Brian Ash
Treasurer: Frank Summerfield
Secretary: Yi Tong
Presider: Thomas Radatz
VicePres: Robert Aozora, Duane Vance, John Tram, Brian Ash
Treasurer: Frank Summerfield
Secretary: Yi Tong
Committee Chairs:
Communications Director: VP
Sustainability Director: Brian Ashman
Maintenance Director:
Recruitment Director: Coordinators
Participation Director:
Facilitator Chairs:
Contracted Agents:
Management: CPMC
Pierce Steppe
Maintenance: Frank, Coordinators, ...
2018 Coordinators: (Residents/Rooms)
M- John Tram --> Thomas Lake (8/9)
L- Brian Ashman (7/7)
E- Mitesh Rai (11/11)
K- Jijo Vaz --> Moses Ssentengo (10/12)
2017 Coordinators: (Residents/Rooms)
M- John Tram (9/9)
L- Brian Ashman (7/7)
E- Mitesh Rai (11/11)
K- Dimitriy Pliev (12/12)
2016 Coordinators: (Residents/Rooms)
M- John Tram (10/9)
L- Brian Ashman (7/7)
E- Mitesh Rai (11/11)
K- David Elgersma (12/11)
2015 Coordinators: (Residents/Rooms)
M- John Tram (10/9)
L- Brian Ashman (8/7)
E- Shabana Naik/Mitesh Rai (9/11)
K- (12/11)
2014 Coordinators: (Residents/Rooms)
M- John Tram (10/9)
L- Brian Ashman (7/7)
E- Shabana Naik (9/11)
K- Thomas Raddatz (12/11)
2012-2017 Supply Clerk: John V Tram
Member Contracts:
Appliance Maintenance:
Woodwork Maintenance:
Paint/Coatings Maintenance:
Relevant Links:
A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically controlled enterprise.
Cooperatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, cooperative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.
1. Voluntary and Open Membership
2. Democratic Member Control <-- A key is to translate technical choices, so members can see the values choices
3. Member Economic Participation
4. Autonomy and Independence <-- If we had 3 independent contracts to consult with, we'd be more likely to realize choices.
5. Education, Training, and Information <-- We need to find help
6. Cooperation among Cooperatives
7. Concern for Community