
Marshall/Marshall, Capitonidae

C(harles) H(enry) T(illson) Marshall and G(eorge) F(rederick) L(eycester) Marshall self-published the nine parts of A Monograph of the Capitonidae, or scansorial barbets in London from 1870--1871.  Only 110 copies were printed, making it now one of the rarest volumes to which Keulemans had contributed.


"He devoted so much time and concentrated so hard on the birds that his foregrounds suffered in the process.  This was an early work of Keulemans, and his foregrounds improved later, but these very poor tree trunks and branches and blurred foliage are some of the worst he ever produced."  (Jackson, Bird Illustrators)


There were 73 plates (quarto), of which 61 are available for this exhibit.  The first five parts were issued in 1870; the rest the following year.  The numeration of the prints is problematical, as a numeral was not provided for them.  Nor were they issued in sequential order and consequently did not correspondent to the material covered within each issued part.  For the prints in this exhibit, page references to where each entry appears in the text are indicated in italics.


Three new species were described during the publication of Capitonidae, and these are indicated here with an asterisk.  This exhibit of Capitonidae is featured on two webpages, with a link provided below to access the second page.


According to Zimmer (Catalogue of the Edward E. Ayer Ornithological Library), four of the illustrations as presented in that library's copy [1, 19, 43, 45] were not lithographs but in actuality fine watercolor paintings.  However, this discrepancy was not consistent with all of the printings of Capitonidae, and plate [1] is presented here as an actual print.  As respects the other three plates in question, it is possible that they would not be included in this exhibit (while they are considered desiderata), pending an inventory of this work to determine if an example of a lithograph of each of them can be produced.  It is also evident that in other random printings, plates besides those in question were produced in a similar, inconsistent manner.




 ([3], part i)  Tricholaema hirsutum.

p. 5



([1], part vii)  Tetragonops (Semnornis) rhamphastinus. 

p. 1



*([21], part vii)  Megalaema humei.  (p. 45)



 ([27], part iv)  Megalaema oorti.  (p. 59)


Figured as follows--

([16], part i)  Megalaema virens.  (p. 16)

Robert Swinhoe honored the Marshalls in 1870 by describing a new species, Megalaema marshallorum, based upon larger specimens of M. virens taken from the Himalayas.

([31], part i)  Megalaema henricii.  (p. 71)

 ([27], part iv)  Megalaema oorti.  (p. 59)

*([21], part vii)  Megalaema humei.  (p. 45)

([1], part vii)  Tetragonops (Semnornis) rhamphastinus.  p. 1

([3], part i)  Tricholaema hirsutum. p. 5

([72], part i)  Calorhamphus lathami.  (p. 179)

([57], part i)  Trachyphonus margaritatus.  (p. 143)

([61], part i)  Capito maculicoronatus.  (p. 153)

([62], part i)  Capito aurovirens.  (p. 155)

([4], part ii)  Pogonorhynchus dubius.  (p. 7)

([2], part ii)  Tetragonops frantzii.  (p. 3) 

([56], part ii)  Trachyphonus cafer.  (p. 139)

([66], part ii)  Capito bourcieri.  (p. 165)

([37], part ii)  Megalaema lineata.  (p. 88)

([36], part ii)  Megalaema hodgsoni.  (p. 85)

([30], part ii)  Megalaema flavifrons.  (p. 69)

([40], part iii)  Megalaema zeylonica.  (p. 95)

([39], part iii)  Megalaema caniceps.  (p. 91)

([26], part iii)  Megalaema nuchalis.  ((p. 59?)) 

*([25], part iii)  Megalaema faber.  (p. 59)

([32], part iii)  Megalaema australis.  (p. 73)

([44], part iii)  Xantholaema rubricapilla.  (p. 109)

([73], part iii)  Stactolaema anchietae.  (p. 181) 

The authors described the genus Stactolaema in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1870) to replace that which was originally used for this, Buccanodon.

([35], part iv)  Megalaema viridis.  (p. 81)

([29], part iv)  Megalaema asiatica.  (p. 63)

([41], part iv)  Megalaema phaeostriata.  (p. 99)

([59], part iv)  Trachyphonus goffini.  (p. 149)

([60], part iv)  Trachyphonus purpuratus.  (p. 151)

([58], part iv)  Trachyphonus squamiceps.  (p. 147)

([52], part iv)  Barbatula leucotis.  (p. 131)

([18], part v)  Megalaema chrysopogon.  (p. 39)

([42], part v)  Xantholaema haematocephala.  (p. 101)

([53], part v)  Psilopogon pyrolophus.  (p. 133)

([71], part v)  Calorhamphus fuliginosus.  (p. 177)

([9], part v)  Pogonorhynchus abyssinicus.  (p. 17)

([10], part v)  Pogonorhynchus torquatus.  (p. 19)

([6], part v)  Pogonorhynchus bidentatus.  (p. 11)

([5], part vi)  Pogonorhynchus rolleti.  (p. 9)

([14], part vi)  Pogonorhynchus diadematus.  (p. 29)

*([38], part vi)  Megalaema inornata.  (p. 89) 

([55], part vi)  Gymnobucco bonapartii.  (p. 137)

([45], part vi)  Xantholaema malabarica.  (p. 111)

([68], part vi)  Capito versicolor.  (p. 171)

([43], part vii)  Xantholaema rosea.  (p. 107)

([20], part vii)  Megalaema javensis.  (p. 43)

([24], part vii)  Megalaema franklini.  (p. 51)

([54], part vii)  Gymnobucco calvus.  (p. 136)

([28], part viii)  Megalaema armillaris.  (p. 61)

([17], part viii)  Megalaema chrysopsis.  (p. 37)

([23], part viii)  Megalaema corvina.  (p. 49)

([11], part viii)  Pogonorhynchus vieilloti.  (p. 21)

([12], part viii)  Pogonorhynchus leucomelas.  (p. 23)

([69], part viii)  Capito richardsoni.  (p. 173)

([63], part viii)  Capito niger.  (p. 157)

([64], part viii)  Capito auratus.

([7], part ix)  Pogonorhynchus melanopterus.  (p. 13)

([13], part ix)  Pogonorhynchus undatus.  (p. 27)

([51], part ix)  Barbatula leucolaema.  (p. 129)

The figure was depicted inaccurately.

([48], part ix)  Barbatula pusilla.  (p. 117);

((Barbatula subsulphurea))

([67], part ix)  Capito glaucogularis.  (p. 169)

([65], part ix)  Capito quinticolor.  (p. 163)

([34], part ix)  Megalaema lagrandieri.  (p. 79)

([33], part ix)  Megalaema duvaucelii,

                      Megalaema cyanotis.  (pp. 75, 77)

([15], part vi)  Pogonorhynchus melanocephalus.  p. 31

([50], part vi)  Barbatula atroflava, Barbatula bilineata. pp. 136, 125

([49], part ix)  Barbatula uropygialis, Barbatula chrysocoma.   pp. 121, 119

([46], part ii)  Xylobucco (Buccanodon) duchaillui, (adult and juvenile). p. 113

([47], part vii)  Xylobucco (Pogoniulus) scolopacea. p. 115 

([8], part iii)  Pogonorhynchus (Lybius) leucocephalus. p. 15

([19], part vii)  Megalaema mystacophanos. p. 41

([22], part i)  Megalaema versicolor.  p. 47

([70], part v)  Capito (Eubucco) aurantiicollis.  p. 175

Additional pictures are available through this link--


Page 3




6 cropped images, page 3

4 images, only pages 1--2

NOTE--Tentatively, this section will not be updated further after September 20, 2013.

Plates not featured in this exhibit:  6, 45, 51, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 73.