
Keulemans' Published Works

The year 1867 marked Keulemans' introduction to the published literature as an illustrator, and his beginning was marked with a prolificacy which also characterized the output of his whole career.  Besides contributing to the scientific journal Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London and preparing plates for The Ibis two years later, he was also the primary artist for Richard Bowdler Sharpe's Monograph of the Alcedinidae and produced prints for a book on the birds of Madagascar, Recherches sur la Faune de Madagascar, by Hermann Schlegel and Francois Pollen.  About this time, in addition, Keulemans proceeded with self-publication of his own lithographic illustrations, in Onze Vogels.  This is now an exceedingly rare work, and its plates were issued by P. M. W. Trap.  In English the title is, literally, 'Our Birds in House and Garden.'  It is a miscellaneous collection of pictures of birds, those found in Europe or ones quite familiar to the general reader.  Probably keeping such an audience in mind, the author provided names of figures in his native Dutch for the title of each print, rather than using the scientific terminology.  While his second book, A Natural History of the Cage-Birds, was not begun until 1871, Keulemans reserved a much smaller number of illustrations for it, and thus published it in its entirety the same year.



Onze Vogels in huis en tuin.  Plates by P. M. W. Trap [Leyden] in folio; three parts (1869, 1873, 1876).  The first two parts had seventy plates each, and the last part had sixty plates for a total of 200.  Thirty-nine are available here.  (Pending an inventory of this publication, to which part each plate was published for has yet to be determined.)


A Natural History of the Cage-Birds.  Four parts with six plates each, all issued in 1871.  This work, also rare, was published as a quarto edition in English by John Van Voorst (London).  Its self-explanatory title suggests a work similar to his previous publication.  Examples of all the plates are available here. 


This exhibit is featured on four webpages, with a link provided below to access the second page.

(Link to Page 2--see below)

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Onze Vogels; De kaapsche geelvink.  (Emberiza)


De kersendief.  (Hippolais)


Het oranje fazantje.  (Estrilda)


 De senegale.  (Lagonosticta)



 De ijsvogel.  (Alcedo)




De graauwe gors.  (Emberiza)



De boompieper.  (Anthus)



De braamsluiper.  (Sylvia)



 De graauwe vliegenvanger.  (Muscicapa)



 De grasmusch.  (Sylvia)



De klaauwier.  (Lanius)



De leeuwerik.  (Alauda)



De boschleeuwerik.  (Lullula)



 De lentezanger.  (Phylloscopus)



De paauwstaartduif.  (Columba)



De roodstaart.  (Phoenicurus)





De rotsduif.  (Columba)




 De scharrelaar.  (Coracias)


De tortelduif.  (Streptopelia)



De vlaamsche gaai.  (Garrulus)




De winterzanger.  (Prunella)




 De witkaif-fazant.  (Lophura)



De zwarte lijster.  (Turdus)



Het bokje.  (Lymnocryptes) 





De ekster.  (Pica)



De oeverzwaluw. 


De grijze kardinaal.

De ringpurkiet.



  De somerzanger.  (Phylloscopus)



((larger image preferred))

       partly cropped

      partly cropped

De slachtervogel.


De wilde end.

((larger image preferred)) 




Natural History;  Psittacus erythacus.

This plate was included in the first part of Keulemans' work.




  Pica varia.




Additional pictures are available through this link--

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