
Catalogue, volume V (1881)

Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum.  Cichlomorphae:  Part II.  Containing the Family Turdidae (Warblers and Thrushes).


Henry Seebohm.

The "Introduction" was dated 1880.

18 plates; (III, XII not by Keulemans).


Sylvia minuscula.



II  Sylvia blanfordi.




IV  Phylloscopus humii,

Phylloscopus subviridis.




Locustella fasciolata.




VI  Lusciniola (Bradypterus) thoracica.




VII  Cettia major.





IX  Geocichla (Zoothera) papuensis.




Geocichla (Zoothera) horsfieldi.




XI  Geocichla (Zoothera) piaggii.




XIII  Turdus falklandicus.




XIV  Turdus magellanicus.




XV  Merula (Turdus) bourdilloni.




XVII  Erythacus (Erithacus) sibilans.





VIII  Cettia brunneifrons.





XVI  Merula (Aplonis) ulietensis.

The plate is based upon a description of a bird taken during the expedition of James Cook, but the identity of which is now indeterminable on account of the single type specimen having been apparently lost.  As it was originally considered a thrush, Seebohm reinforced this view.  Richard Bowdler Sharpe referred to it again in a later volume of the Catalogue, but as a starling. 





XVIII  Saxicola (Cercomela) layardi.

((partly cropped))