
0.99 alpha 34 -> 0.99 alpha 36 (04/27/2024)

[ ] Minor changes and fixes. 

0.99 alpha 33 -> 0.99 alpha 34 (12/21/2022)

[-] Fixed replay recording  (replays corrupted in 0.99 alpha 33 will remain corrupted).

[ ] minor changes and fixes.

0.99 alpha 32 -> 0.99 alpha 33 (11/29/2022) 

[-] Another attempt to fix desynchronization.

0.99 alpha 31 -> 0.99 alpha 32 (11/17/2022)

[-] Fixed desynchronization on some actions that would result in a draw.

0.99 alpha 30 -> 0.99 alpha 31 (08/26/2022)

[-] Fixed original bugs of Ushio Naga's MoveSwitch ability:

- now Ushio Naga cannot select itself when choosing a position to move.

- now Ushio Naga cannot select another Ushio Naga when choosing a position to move.

- now Ushio Naga can use its MoveSwitch ability also when all 8 positions of the player's side of the battleground are occupied by creatures.

[-] Fixed a bug with Ink Warrior and Shadow Image spells: a copy of a creature created by these spells could be put to player's hand (using Replaceable, MoveSwitch and SwitchOther abilities)

[  ] minor changes and fixes.

0.99 alpha 29 -> 0.99 alpha 30 (08/20/2022)

[-] Fixed recently updated Al-Betyl Ghoul card.

[  ] minor changes and fixes.

[+] (for developers) custom TemplateEffect in cards_tl.xml now supports Variable Type="AbilityValue"

[+] (for developers) now you can add new puzzles to the game (without replacing the original ones) by editing the Revival\Data\campaignlist.xml file

0.99 alpha 28 -> 0.99 alpha 29 (08/19/2022)

[-] Fixed original bug with not updating the amount of resources a player has after playing some cards.

[+] Added sounds to the online lobby when hosting a new duel and chat messaging.

[+] Battle chat with an opponent is available during a duel (only during a duel and only with an opponent).

[!] Rebalanced cards: Power Blast Titan, Kappa, Pillage, Monastery of Helexia, Al-Betyl Ghoul, Lost in the Void, Severed Fate, Zen Garden, Crusader Sergeant, Soulfueled Pyre, War Banner.

[  ] minor changes and fixes.

[+] (for developers) you can add and test any number of new TemplateEffects to Revival\Data\cards_tl.xml

[+] (for developers) all files of puzzles and campaign missions are available for editing in the Revival\Data folder.

0.99 alpha 27 -> 0.99 alpha 28 (11/14/2021)

[ ] Minor changes and fixes. 

0.99 alpha 26 -> 0.99 alpha 27 (09/19/2021)

[-] Totally fixed a bug with invisible creature cards (Moon Phoenix and others).

[!] Rebalanced Angel Protector card.

[ ] minor changes and fixes. 

[+] Added the SingleWindowMode option to the revival.config file, disabling which allows you to start the game in multi-window mode (lobby, deck editor and game - in separate windows, as in earlier versions of the MMDoC Revival). The main recommended mode and the default mode remains single-window.

[+] Added the ability to play the game on Linux through Wine (In Wine, the game opens only in multi-window mode).

Instructions: 1) Install Wine. 2) Run the MMDoC Revival installer. 3) Uncheck all the boxes in the installation: DirectX 9.0c, .Net Framework 4.0, MS VC ++ redistributable 2012 and 2013. 4) Install winetricks. 5) Install the packages through winetricks: d3dx9_43, d3dcompiler_43, dotnet40, vcrun2012, vcrun2013. 6) Start the game.

0.99 alpha 25 -> 0.99 alpha 26 (06/09/2021)

[-] In the Original mode (without fixes) online game is not available.

[-] The format of the day has been canceled. Now you can choose the format of the duel. 

[!] Some rebalance for cards: Spell Stealer Heretic, Kal Azaar, Kenage, Undead Reinforcements, Boneyard, Free Mage Altar, Hidden Dojo, Empowered Spell, Blessed Lake Spirit, Sylanna's Embrace, Nature's Fortitude, Symbiotic Barkskin, Pillage, Rushing Assault.

[-] Fixed the effect of the Rushing Assault.

[ ] Minor changes and fixes. 

0.99 alpha 24 -> 0.99 alpha 25 (02/16/2021)

[*] Comprehensively fixed crash due to lack of video memory with a large number of "put counter on creature" effects being played:

[1] An unsuccessful attempt to create a texture (for example, when there is not enough video memory) now does not crash the game. Lags, glitches, non-drawing may temporarily occur, but the game will continue to work.

[2] Optimized the code for putting (enrage / poison / cripling / attack) counters  in the case when a given number of counters is randomly distributed among creatures on the battlefield. Now counters are applied not by 1, but immediately by the total amount for each creature on the battlefield, which significantly reduces the number of "put counter on creature" effect played and speeds up the game. This is noticeable in the case of poison and Rotting mummy and Ichor Weaver abilities , especially when there are more than one Ichor Weaver on the battlefield;

[3] The number of counters of the same type (enrage / poison / cripling / attack) on one creature cannot exceed 99 (a larger number does not make much sense and is not displayed correctly).

[ ] Attack of a creature cannot exceed 99 (the greater value does not make much sense and is not displayed correctly; the three-digit negative health of the hero is also not displayed correctly).

[!] Attention. Due to the above changes, some replays from previous versions of the game may not play correctly.

0.99 alpha 23 -> 0.99 alpha 24 (02/13/2021)

[ ] cosmetic changes and fixes.

[ ] minor changes and fixes. 

0.99 alpha 22 -> 0.99 alpha 23 (02/10/2021)

[-] The bug with the disappearance of Phoenix, constructs, and other creatures with the BounceOnDie PlayEffect has been fixed again. 

0.99 alpha 21 -> 0.99 alpha 22 (02/06/2021)

[-] Fixed positioning of the lobby button in a duel.

[-] Fixed the effect of the Death Seal spell.

[ ] minor changes and fixes. 

0.99 alpha 19 -> 0.99 alpha 21 (02/03/2021)

[-] Fixed bug: player get auto-lose in a duel instead of reconnecting if the connection is lost. 

[+] The online lobby window is available in the duel.

[ ] A number of minor changes, fixes and improvements. 

0.99 alpha 18 -> 0.99 alpha 19 (01/29/2021)

[ ] All functionality of the MMDoC Revival (lobby, deck builder, ranking table, login screen, message dialogs, game, except for the replay manager) is now in one window.

[ ] Changed cards are now correctly displayed in the replay manager.

[ ] The full version of the game now contains 112 less files not used in the Revival. The total size of the installed game is reduced by 65 MB.

[+] Added Portuguese translation of the online lobby and deck builder by Wesniperx.

[ ] Redesigned and updated the server part.

[ ] Many minor changes and fixes. 

0.99 alpha 17 -> 0.99 alpha 18 (01/23/2021)

[-] fixes for recent changes in the code of the Shadow Image and Ink Warrior cards.

[+] Added Spanish translation or the online lobby and deck builder by Conor.

Interested people can prepare and send me a translation into their native language (if it is in the list of supported by the game), using the file Localization\English.xml as template.

0.99 alpha 11 -> 0.99 alpha 17 (01/19/2021)

[-] Fixed a bug when an irrelevant event card overlaps the current one (after zooming in when viewed with a right click).

[-] Fixed a critical bug with the banish of an invisible (not yet deployed on the battleground) card. Examples of this bug: (always) casting a Shadow Image in front of a creature with an ambush with damage; (sometimes) Burning of a breeder-token, which appears after the death of a breeder during Immolation; and other possible ...

[-] Fixed bugs related to copying cards with Shadow Image and Ink Warrior spells: a number of cards were buggy after copying - they moving from graveyard on the battleground when deploy, playing the animation of moving to the graveyard (black smoke) on the battleground,  slowing down / glitching . The Crimson Apprentice copied with these spells gave +4 actual attack to Beastmen instead of +2. Perhaps there were other effects of these bugs ..

[-] Fixed bug: The ability of the Masterpiece Titan now works in the "hands" of the AI (The AI ​​code of the "Look" effect has been added / fixed. "Look" effect is only used in the Masterpiece Titan script).

[-] some crashes with too fast sequence of actions in a duel or in a replay.

[-] some bugs of the online lobby window

[ ] Improved reconnection feature.

[ ] Minor correction of cards descriptions.

[ ] Minor balance changes.

[ ] Tutorial is available again.

[ ] The revised puzzle #10 is returned to the main mode.

[+] Added 25 missions of the original campaign (some was revised, but most was not).

[ ] Other minor changes and fixes.

[!] In the Original mode, ALL Revival bug fixes are now canceled (if you wish, you can compare modes and feel the difference).

[+] Added Russian translation of the online lobby and deck builder. 

[+] Added Polish translation for the online lobby and deck builder by Ravignir. 

[+] Added German translation for the online lobby and deck builder by Honz92.

[+] Added French translation for the online lobby and deck builder by roiwirven.

0.99 alpha 9 -> 0.99 alpha 11 (07/27/2020)

[ ] minor changes and fixes.

0.99 alpha 5 -> 0.99 alpha 9 (07/13/2020)

[!] Rebalansed mode is made main. Rating duels are available only in this mode. Rebalanced more cards. The total number of rebalanced cards is 155. (see changes)

[!] In the main Rebalansed mode, only Format of the day can be played online.

[!] The rating has been reset.

[ ] To play in the original mode, you need to run Game.exe with the command line argument :o

[-] Fixed a bug with the disappearance of constructs, phoenix.

[+] The game icon on the taskbar now blinks if an online duel begins and the game window is inactive.

[+] Replay now contains the rating (elo) of players.

[ ] minor changes and fixes.

0.99 alpha 4 -> 0.99 alpha 5 (12/31/2019)

[!] the Lobby-Server was relocated and recovered.

[+] Testing of the cards rebalance (far from complete) is available by launching Game.exe with the :x command line argument.

[ ] Minor changes and fixes.

0.99 alpha 3 -> 0.99 alpha 4 (10/09/2019)

[-] Some buggy changes was rolled back.

[ ] Minor changes and fixes.

0.99 alpha 1 -> 0.99 alpha 3 (10/08/2019)

[+] [Canceled in the newer version!] All functionality is now in one window.

[-] Fixed some bugs.

0.98 alpha 5 -> 0.99 alpha 1 (10/05/2019)

[-] Fixed the original bug with redirect damage to a creature with retribution - the creature now dies instead of receive negative health.

[-] Finally fixed the bug with not repainting creature abilities icons.

[-] Doc_Lobby.exe is no longer needed. All functionality of the Doc_Lobby.exe is integrated in Game.exe.

[+] Improved antiviruses response to the game.

[+] Improved game stability.

[+] new interface and functionality of the Online Lobby and the Deck Editor.

[-] Tutorial is temporarily unavailable.

[ ] many minor changes and bug fixes.

0.98 alpha 3 -> 0.98 alpha 5 (08/15/2019)

[-] Completely fixed the bug with Army of the Dead and persistent adjacen moving spells, neutral Hikyu ability, ... (previous fixes were not complete and not accurate)

[-] Fixed some bugs with not repainting icons of creature abilities .

[ ] Minor changes and fixes.

[ ] Server has moved to the new machine.

0.98 alpha 2 -> 0.98 alpha 3 (07/13/2019)

[+] Player ranking table.

[ ] Minor changes and fixes.

0.97 alpha 16 -> 0.98 alpha 2 (07/01/2019)

[-] Fixed area blast (now when it hits the enemy on the front line, it hits the attacker's front line).

[-] Completely fixed the bug with incorrect display of the creatures' health (there were a lot of its manifestations in different situations).

[-] Fixed bug with attack / retaliate / health buff from an adjacent buffing creature (bug with Cold Fear and attack buff, bug with ability of Zouleika and health buff,  ...).

[-] Some effects in the game are significantly accelerated. Long freezes and glitches when using a Cosmic Singularity and in other cases was fixed as a result.

[-] Fixed a bug with Blizzard and Army of the Dead (The previous 'fix' did not work due to an error in it).

[-] Fixed wrong side in spectator mode.

[ ] Changed the duel results dialog. Some bugs fixed in it. Fixed view of this dialog when result of the duel is a draw.

[ ] Some fixes and improvements in the deck editor.

[+] Added Simplified Chinese to the game.

[+] Added rating and ranked duels.

0.97 alpha 15 -> 0.97 alpha 16 (03/17/2019)

[ ] Minor changes and fixes

0.97 alpha 14 -> 0.97 alpha 15 (03/16/2019)

[ ] Minor changes and fixes

0.97 alpha 13 -> 0.97 alpha 14 (03/04/2019)

[-] Some bugs fixed.

0.97 alpha 12 -> 0.97 alpha 13 (03/03/2019)

[-] Some bugs fixed.

[-] Fixed some mode bugs of the spectator mode.

[-] Spectator mode no longer write replays.

[ ] Some changes in spectator mode.

0.97 alpha 10 -> 0.97 alpha 12 (03/02/2019)

[-] Fixed spectator mode bugs.

[-] Fixed online duel bugs.

0.97 alpha 9 -> 0.97 alpha 10 (03/02/2019)

[+] Added spectator mode.

[-] Fixed a critical server bug.

[-] Fixed deck deleteing.

0.97 alpha 8 -> 0.97 alpha 9 (02/20/2019)

[-] Fixed faulty replays bug.

0.97 alpha 7 -> 0.97 alpha 8 (02/20/2019)

[-] Fixed a critical bug of online duel: freezing / desynchronization when turn time ends on the choice of cards, that some card provides.

[ ] Minor changes and fixes

0.97 alpha 6 -> 0.97 alpha 7 (02/19/2019)

[-] Fixed bug with inability to play online with a deck in which more than 52 card slots.

[ ] Minor changes and fixes

0.97 alpha 5 -> 0.97 alpha 6 (02/16/2019)

[-] Fixed some deck-building and formats bugs.

0.97 alpha 4 -> 0.97 alpha 5 (02/15/2019)

[+] The mechanism of automatic reconnection. Now a short disconnect will not be able to spoil the fun of the game.

If the connection is lost, the server will wait for reconnection for 3 minutes.

[+] Auto-sort of decks by formats, fractions, heroes.

[+] Deck deletion function.

[ ] Minor changes and fixes.

0.97 alpha 3 -> 0.97 alpha 4 (02/12/2019)

[ ] Minor changes and fixes.

0.97 alpha 2 -> 0.97 alpha 3 (02/07/2019)

[-] Fixed some bugs in players list.

0.96 alpha 1 -> 0.97 alpha 2 (02/07/2019)

[+] Added a list of players online with the ability to challenge a specific player to a duel.

[+] Added anonymous Host.

[-] Fixed loading Limitless decks. The number of cards no longer decreases.

[-] Fixed a critical server bug.

[ ] Fixed and improved interaction with the Online Lobby and the Game.

[ ] Minor changes and fixes.

0.95 alpha 1 -> 0.96 alpha 1 (02/03/2019)

[-] Fixed some new bugs in offline game modes.

0.94 alpha 1 -> 0.95 alpha 1 (02/03/2019)

[-] Fixed tutorial.

[-] Fixed critical bug at the start of the duel.

[+] Chat links are now clickable.

[ ] Minor changes and bugfixes.

0.93 alpha 1 -> 0.94 alpha 1 (01/31/2019)

[+] Some changes and bugfixes in the Replay Manager.

[ ] Cards "Zardoc" and "Serpentfly" now have basic arts instead of alternative arts in the Deck Builder and in the Replay Manager.

0.92 alpha 1 -> 0.93 alpha 1 (01/31/2019)

[!] Online duels available only with ver. 0.93 alpha 1 or higher.

[+] A number of changes and bugfixes in the deck builder

[-] one critical bug at duel start.

[+] Autoupdate feature added.

0.91 alpha 1 -> 0.92 alpha 1 (01/24/2019)

[!] Online duels available only with ver. 0.92 alpha 1.

0.90 alpha 1 -> 0.91 alpha 1 (01/23/2019)

[-] Fixed a couple of critical bugs in the online duel.

[-] Some not very significant bugfixes.

[-] Some minor chanhges in deck builder.

Dec 2018: development started.