Training & Learning

In association with TalentBiz, USA, we provide talent enablement (training & learning) programs for kids, students, and professionals across the globe.

We basically support three phases of training:

1. Campus Training (for students)

2. Campus to Corporate Training (for students/graduates)

3. Corporate Training (for professionals)

Especially, we focus on three levels of training:

1. Junior-level training (for kids & teens)

2. Graduate-level training (for students & graduates)

3. Senior-level training (for professionals & experienced)

We particularly focus on women, rural villages, government-run schools/colleges, and differently-abled students/professionals to uplift our community. The programs will be conducted as workshops, internships or hands-on sessions. Please, reach out to me for more details.

Training & Learning Programs for Kids

  • Mathematics for Kids (Maths4Kids)
  • Mathematics for Differently-abled Kids (Maths4DA-Kids)
  • Science for Kids (Sci4Kids)
  • Electronics for Kids (EC4Kids)
  • Computers for Kids (Comp4Kids)
  • Visualisation for Kids (Vis4Kids)
  • Artificial Intelligence for Kids (AI4Kids)
  • Internet of Things for Kids (IoT4Kids)
  • Blockchain for Kids (BC4Kids)
  • Robotics for Kids (Robo4Kids)
  • Technologies for Kids (Tech4Kids)
  • Business Management for Kids (Biz4Kids)
  • Social Intelligence for Kids (SI4Kids)
  • Emotional Intelligence for Kids (EI4Kids)

Training & Learning Programs for Students

We focus on Campus to Corporate support for students.

  • Mathematics for Students (Maths4Students)
  • Mathematics for Differently-abled Students (Maths4DA-Students)
  • Mathematics for Girls (Maths4Girls)
  • Science for Students (Sci4Students)
  • Science for Girls (Sci4Girls)
  • Electronics for Students (EC4Students)
  • Visualisation for Students (Vis4Students)
  • Artificial Intelligence for Students (AI4Students)
  • Internet of Things for Students (IoT4Students)
  • Blockchain for Students (BC4Students)
  • Robotics for Students (Robo4Students)
  • Technologies for Students (Tech4Students)
  • Business Management for Students (Biz4Students)
  • Social Intelligence for Students (SI4Students)
  • Emotional Intelligence for Students (EI4Students)

Training & Learning Programs for Professionals

We focus on skilling, up-skilling, re-skilling and cross-skilling for engineers, developers, managers, directors, leaders and CXOs.

  • Mathematics for Developers (Maths4Devs)
  • Mathematics for Managers (Maths4Managers)
  • Mathematics for Women (Maths4Women)
  • Visualization for Developers (Viz4Devs)
  • Visualization for Managers (Viz4Managers)
  • Visualization for Women (Viz4Women)
  • Artificial Intelligence for Developers (AI4Devs)
  • Artificial Intelligence for Managers (AI4Managers)
  • Artificial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs (AI4Ents)
  • Artificial Intelligence for Women (AI4Women)
  • Internet of Things for Developers (IoT4Devs)
  • Internet of Things for Managers (IoT4Managers)
  • Internet of Things for Women (IoT4Women)
  • Internet of Things for Entrepreneurs (IoT4Ents)
  • Blockchain for Developers (BC4Devs)
  • Blockchain for Managers (BC4Managers)
  • Blockchain for Women (BC4Women)
  • Blockchain for Entrepreneurs (BC4Ents)
  • Robotics for Developers (Robo4Devs)
  • Robotics for Managers (Robo4Managers)
  • Robotics for Women (Robo4Women)
  • Robotics for Entrepreneurs (Robo4Ents)
  • Technologies for Developers (Tech4Devs)
  • Technologies for Managers (Tech4Managers)
  • Technologies for Women (Tech4Women)
  • Technologies for Entrepreneurs (Tech4Ents)
  • Business Management for Managers (Biz4Managers)
  • Business Management for Women (Biz4Women)
  • Social Intelligence for Professionals (SI4Pros)
  • Emotional Intelligence for Professionals (EI4Pros)

Training & Learning Programs for Scientists/Innovators

  • Ambient Intelligence for Scientists (AmI4Scientists)
  • Cyber-physical Social Machines for Scientists (CPSM4Scientists)
  • Digital Forensics for Scientists
  • Cybersecurity for Scientists
  • Big Data for Scientists
  • Cloud Computing for Scientists
  • Forensodigital Technologies
  • Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT)
  • Robotic Artificial Intelligence (RAI)
  • Real Intelligence (RI)
  • Blue Prism
  • Research Ethics & Good Practice


  • AI for Everyone
  • AI for Industry
  • AI Apprenticeship Program