
Technical Skills

  • Languages: C, C++, Java, Python
  • Databases: DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Frameworks:
  • Serverside: Node.js, npm
  • Code Management: Github, SVN
  • Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, React.js
  • Development Tools: Weka
  • Information / Data Visualisation Tools: Processing, D3.js, DC.js, P5.js, Picasso.js, Plotly, Google Charts, Tableau, Data Wrapper, Mondrian, Qlik, Vega/Vega-Lite, Gephi,
  • Business Intelligence (BI) Tools: Google Data Studio, IBM Watson Analytics, Microsoft Analytics (Power BI), Zoho Analytics
  • Digital Investigation Tools: Autopsy, EnCase, DCode, Dropbox Decryptor, Forensic Acquisition of Websites (FAW), Forensic Investigator, Foxton Forensics, Mail Viewer and MBOX viewer
  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Tools: Microsoft Azure ML, Google DialogFlow, IBM Watson, Orange
  • Document Review Tools: JigSaw, Relativity and Ringtail
  • Scientific Tools: MATLAB, Scilab, LaTeX reporting
  • Statistical Tools: R, Minitab, SPSS, PSPP, SISA, STATA
  • Design Tools: Inkscape, CAD, Solid Edge, Keil Macro vision, Masm, Dsch2 and VLSI CAD
  • Collaboration Tools: OverLeaf, Sketchboard, Dropbox Paper, and other Drives
  • Toolbox: Xilinx, Model Simulator, Cadence, SPICE and OMNeT++
  • IDE: Matlab, Spyder, Jupyter Notebook, RStudio, Rodeo, JDK, NetBeans, BlueJ, Eclipse, Xilinx ISE and Android Studio
  • Libraries: OMNeT++, WEKA, D3.js and Crossfilter
  • Code Editors: Atom, Coda, Visual Studio Code, TextWrangler
  • Publishing Tools: Canva, Mendley, Slideshare, Academia, Research Gate
  • Organisation Tools: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CMS (Content Management System), MIS (Management Information System), DSS (Decision Support System), ESS (Executive Support System)
  • Research Management Tools: BibTex, EndNote, Mendeley, RefWorks, Zotero
  • Project Management Tools: Asana, Trello, Teamweek, Teamwork, Zoho Reports
  • Operating Systems: working experience with Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android and iOS
  • Hardware Platforms: knowledge using Gateways, Routers, Switches, Microcontrollers and Multiplexers
  • Web Applications: Google Mail, Google Documents and Spreadsheets, Online MS-Office, Word press and Blogspot.
  • Office Applications: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and Powerpoint.
  • Other Applications: Adobe Publisher, Camtasia and Snapz Pro X (video capture and screencasting), VideoMach (video converter), OmniGraffle (diagramming), GIMP (Image editing), Prezi (Presentation tool), MindMup, MindMapple.

Research Skills

  • Project Management Skills: ability to manage projects from beginning to end. Identify goals and/or tasks to be accomplished with a realistic timeline for completion.
  • Team Management Skills: ability to manage a big team with researchers, developers and other stakeholders.
  • Self Management Skills: ability to work effectively with minimal supervision. Ability to work effectively under pressure to meet deadlines.
  • Research & Information Management Skills: ability to identify various sources of information applicable to a given problem, design, analyse and evaluate data/solutions.
  • Career Management Skills: ability to identify transferable skills, plan career progression and continued professional development (CPD).

Teaching Skills

  • Pedagogical Approaches
  • Smart Learning using Technologies
  • Innovative, Imaginative & Interactive (I3) Teaching
  • Supervising/Mentoring
  • Continuous Learning
  • Ability to Engage and Empower
  • Analytical Thinking & Logical Reasoning

Soft Skills

  • Proactive, Team Player with Interpersonal Skills: ability to work collaboratively and harmoniously with colleagues, students and various stakeholders of all cultures and backgrounds.
  • Problem-solving Skills: ability to develop novel approaches & techniques using investigative, analytical & logical reasoning skills that can lead to publications & patents.
  • Leadership and Time-management Skills: ability to achieve milestones with realistic time estimates by leading from the front.
  • Planning, Organising and Decision-making Skills: ability to think, plan, organise & execute tasks in an effective way.
  • Written and Oral Communication Skills: ability to present and publish articles in international conferences and other community engagement forums.

Functional Skills

    • Math Skills: ability to effectively solve any mathematical problems.
    • English Skills: ability to effectively listen, read, talk/speak, and write articles.
    • ICT Skills: ability to effectively use digital devices related to work.


    • Mondrian: a general purpose statistical interactive data-visualisation system for any data type.
    • Tableau: an exploratory interactive visual analysis focused on business intelligence (BI).
    • Mathematical Data Analysis
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)