Scope & Topics
MIRU2016 Topics
A: Computer Vision
A1: calibration
A2: 3D / RGB-D sensors
A3: matching and registration
A4: multi-view reconstruction / SfM / SLAM
A5: tracking and motion
A6: photometric stereo
A7: illumination and reflection
A8: color, multiband, IR, UV, EHF
A9: computational photography
A10: view synthesis
A11: statistical methods for CV
A12: optimization methods for CV
B: Pattern Recognition
B1: feature extraction and selection
B2: subspace method
B3: convolutional neural networks and deep learning
B4: classification theory
B5: statistical learning
B6: unsupervised learning and clustering
B7: nearest neighbor search
B8: graph-based methods
B9: hash and binary codes
B10: time series analysis
B11: object detection and recognition
B12: multimodal processing and recognition
B13: information processing with text, tags, and location
B14: web mining
C: Image, Video, and Multimedia Processing
C1: real-environment and real-time processing
C2: big data approach for image and video analysis
C3: speech and audio analysis
C4: interaction analysis, annotation
C5: image and video retrieval
C6: super resolution
C7: image restoration
C8: image quality improvement
C9: image mosaicing
C10: image segmentation
C11: local features for image and video
C12: automatic region-of-interest detection
C13: anomaly detection
C14: action recognition
C15: multimedia event detection
D: Applications
D1: AR and MR
D2: telepresence and tele-existence
D3: stereopsis, 3D UI
D4:HCI and interactive vision
D5: multimodal computing and interface
D6: ubiquitous computing
D7: biometrics
D8: surveillance
D9: human sensing
D10: camera and display system
D11: robot navigation
D12: vision for automobile and transportation
D13: document analysis and character recognition
D14: medical image analysis
D15: sports image analysis
D16: cloud computing system for big data
D17: factory automation and manufacturing system