CA Family Code
Section 6750

California Family Code Section 6750 describes the types of contracts which are covered by the following statutes.

Section 6751

California Family Code Section 6751 provides that a contract may not be disaffirmed on the ground of minority if it was approved by the superior court of the proper county, after reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard.

Section 6752

California Family Code Section 6752, also known as the Coogan Law, requires that 15 percent of the minor's gross earnings pursuant to a contract of a type described in Section 6750, whether or not it is court approved, shall be set aside by the minor's employer in trust, in an account or other savings plan, and preserved for the benefit of the minor in accordance with Section 6753, except for services as an extra, background performer, or in a similar capacity, as described in paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 6750.

Section 6753

California Family Code Section 6753 sets forth the provisions of the trust to be established for the purpose of preserving for the benefit of the minor the portion of the minor's gross earnings set aside pursuant to Section 6752.