Top 6 Benefits Of Having A Mobile-Friendly Website

More than half of the world’s population today uses mobile devices. They surf, hang out, shop and even do business on their smartphones. For every business that looks forward to capturing more customers to grow its business, a mobile-optimized website is necessary. It not only helps websites to grab more eyeballs, it also offers the ease of website management and SEO for website owners. Google recommends making the website designs mobile-friendly as well. Mobile-compatible websites enable businesses to keep pace with the fast-moving society and stay relevant in the modern competitive market. Here are some of the key reasons why one should make their websites mobile optimized.

1. Enhanced User Experience

Reports show that around 60% of the mobile users leave a page immediately when they do not find the web page to be non-compatible with the mobile devices. It is also obvious for anyone because of websites, not optimized for mobiles, render very clumsily designed UI and load at snail’s speed on mobile devices. It is quite unrealistic to expect these users to appreciate the brand in such a scenario. So optimizing the website for mobile devices offers a seamless browsing experience to the users, and they are more likely to make purchases if they love the product.

2. Easy management and faster SEO

Having two different designs for desktop and mobile browsers do not cost-effective and are not comfortable to manage as well. Having a single responsive website design that works well on both mobile and desktop browsers is very straightforward to manage, update and troubleshoot. Making changes in the design can be reflected on both the browser platforms.

It also saves a lot of time by offering the ease of making a single SEO strategy for the website. There is no need to have two designs for two platforms and make separate SEO for two designs. Faster SEO also means saving a lot of costs and better performance in a shorter time.

3. More Visibility

With the advancement in mobile technologies, the number of mobile devices and its users are growing rampantly. In the fast-paced society, people hardly have time to sit at their desktops and browse through a website. People are more likely to browse through the internet while they are on the move. Social media has become the most profitable place to do advertisements today. In addition, it’s needless to say that most people use social media from their smartphones or tablets. Hence, with its larger user base, mobile platforms can give more visibility and increase the chances of traffic to business conversion for websites.

4. Competitive edge in the Market

Every business in the market today understands the importance of having a mobile-friendly website. So making websites that are not responsive for mobiles can be harmful to businesses. Optimizing website for mobile devices is necessary to remain competitive in the market. If there are few companies in a niche market that have responsive web designs, it is a great opportunity for all the businesses in that niche to go for mobile-optimized websites first. It will certainly give it some edge over its competitors and bring popularity as a trendsetter in that niche. So having a mobile-compatible website helps businesses to outrank the competitors and gain credibility in eyes of the customers.

5. Faster Navigation Speed

If web sites are not optimized properly for mobile browsers, then loading and navigation speed are very slow. Lethargic navigation between web pages frustrates the users largely, and there is a high probability of missing a possible business conversion. Responsive or mobile-friendly web designs offer a best speed of navigation and increase the average time on-site for the websites. Improved average time on site implies better business possibilities, which can ensure the company’s sales growth. Google also recommends responsive designs for improved website performance in the long run.

6. Offline media Integration

QR code is a very innovative way in which businesses incorporate offline media in their websites. This new-edge feature is leveraged with only mobile-friendly website designs. Though the world is full of mobile users, most of them do not remain online round the clock. Therefore, to tap those segments of users, businesses can do offline media integration to push advertisements even when the users are not online. These QR codes can be pushed into web ads that will, in turn, redirect users to the company’s main website. Instant communication with the incoming traffic can be a great opportunity to convert them.

Responsive website designs offer considerable user experience by fitting seamlessly into various screen sizes and devices. The website owners also enjoy the ease of improving SEO strategies. Besides all the technical advantages, it increases the web traffic as well and ensures a better conversion rate that in turn increases sales. Hence, mobile friendly website development is the best option for any business.