Wearing of MEMS Badges

California State Military Reserve

Regulation 350-3

1 March 2011

1-5 Wearing the MEMS Badge

The MEMS badge may be worn on the dress, service, and utility uniforms as prescribed by those regulations governing the appropriate component for military skill badges.

a. On the Army uniform, the MEMS badge is worn as a Group 5 special skill badge in accordance with AR 670-1, para 29-17a(5) b, c, and d. All authorized Army or other service combat and skill badges, regardless of group, take precedence.

b. On the Air Force uniform, the MEMS badge is worn as a miscellaneous badge in

accordance with AFI 36-2903, para 5.8 and Table 5.2. The MEMS badge is worn below aeronautical, occupational and all other miscellaneous badges. The embroidered patch is only authorized on the ABU / BDU.

c. If an individual is awarded more than one (1) skill level MEMS badge, only the highest-level badge will be worn. The lower ranking MEMS badges are to be retained by the individual as a memento.

1-6 MEMS Flash

The MEMS Flash is awarded once the recipient has served in an Emergency Management role during a State or Federal Emergency. The MEMS Flash is an oval shaped fabric patch with a silver border. It is worn as a background behind the MEMS badge. The dimensions for the MEMS Flash are 2 ¼” wide X 1 ¾” in height. The MEMS Flash is NOT authorized to be worn on the uniforms of the CSMR Air component. It is only authorized to be worn on the service / dress uniforms of the CSMR Army component. It is NOT authorized to be worn on the utility uniforms.

The Military Emergency Management Specialist badge is awarded by SGAUS (State Guard Association of the United States) and authorized for wear by the California State Guard.

Like other military badges it is awarded in three different levels:

    • Basic

    • Senior

    • Master

DA PAM 670–1 • 25 May 2017

20–16. Combat and special skill badges and tabs

a. Listed below in order of group precedence are combat and special skill badges authorized for wear on the Army uniform.

(1) Group 1. Combat Infantryman badges (three awards) (see fig 20–31); Expert Infantryman badge (see fig 20–32); Combat Action badge (see fig 20–33).

(2) Group 2. Combat Medical badges (three awards) (see fig 20–34); Expert Field Medical badge (see fig 20–35).

(3) Group 3. Army Astronaut device (worn attached to any aviation badge or Army Space Badge) (see fig 20–36); Army Aviator badges (three degrees) (see fig 20–37); Flight Surgeon badges (three degrees) (see fig 20–38); Aviation badges (three degrees) (see fig 20–39); Explosive Ordnance Disposal badges (three degrees) (see fig 20–40).

(4) Group 4. Glider badge (see fig 20–41); Parachutist badges (three degrees) (see fig 20–42); Parachutist badges with combat jump device (four degrees are shown at fig 20–43); Pathfinder badge (see fig 20–44); Military Freefall Parachutist badges (two degrees) (see fig 20–45); Military Freefall Parachutist badges with combat jump device; Air Assault badge (see fig 20–46); Space badges (three degrees are shown at fig 20–47); Ranger, Special Forces, and Sapper tab metal replicas (see figs 20–48 through 20–50).

(5) Group 5. Diver badges (six badges) (see fig 20–51); Driver and Mechanic badge (see fig 20–52); Parachute Rigger badge (see fig 20–53).

(6) Physical fitness badge. The physical fitness badge is authorized for wear only on the physical fitness uniform (see fig 20–54).

b. Wear of nonsubdued combat and special skill badges and special skill tab metal replicas on the service/dress uniform.

(1) Nonsubdued combat and special skill badges are worn on the Army service/dress uniform coat, service uniform shirt, and on the Army maternity tunic (females only). A total of six badges are authorized for wear at one time (see figs 20–55 and 20–56); this total does not include special skill tab metal replicas, but does include any marksmanship badges worn. See paragraphs 20–7b and 20–16c for guidance when wearing full-sized and miniature medals.

(2) Personnel wear badges 1/4 inch above the ribbons, or above the top of the pocket, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets; badges are worn one above the other, in order of group precedence from top to bottom, with 1/2 inch between badges. Badges are worn below the ribbons on the pocket flap, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets, as described in paragraph 20–15c through 20–15d. When worn together, the badges with airborne background trimming are considered a single item for placement, and measurement is from the edge of the trimming (or top of the star and wreath for senior and master parachutist badges which project slightly above the trimming). In those instances where the service/dress coat lapel obscures the badges, personnel may wear the badges (or airborne background trimming, if worn beneath the badge) aligned with the left edge of the ribbons or medals (see figs 20–57 and 20–58).

(3) Personnel may wear up to three badges above the ribbons or pocket flap, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets (see figs 20–59 and 20–60). Personnel may only wear one combat or special skill badges from either group 1 or group 2 above the ribbons, above the top of the pocket, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets. Soldiers may wear up to three badges from groups 3, 4, and 5 above the ribbons, above the top of the pocket, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets. One badge from either group 1 or group 2 may be worn with badges from groups 3, 4, and 5 so long as the total number of badges worn above the ribbons, above the top of the pocket, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets does not exceed three. The driver and mechanic badge is not authorized for wear above the ribbons, above the top of the pocket, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets.

(4) Only three badges (from groups 3, 4, or 5), to include marksmanship badges, can be worn below the ribbons on the pocket flap, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets, at one time. This total does not include special skill tab metal replicas. Badges from groups 1 and 2 are not authorized for wear below the ribbons on the pocket flap, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets. Personnel will wear the driver and mechanic badge only on the wearer’s left pocket flap or in a similar location on uniforms without pockets. Personnel may not attach more than three clasps to the driver and mechanic badge. See paragraph 20–15a(3) for wear of badges below the ribbons on the pocket flap, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets.

(5) The order of precedence for combat and special skill badges are established only by group. There is no precedence for combat or special skill badges within the same group. For example, personnel who are authorized to wear the Parachutist and Air Assault badges may determine the order of wear between those two badges.

(6) Wear of commercial, mirror-like finish combat and special skill badges is authorized on service and dress uniforms. However, Soldiers may not mix these badges with combat and special skill badges that do not have the mirror-like finish.

(7) Special skill tab metal replicas may be worn with other special skill badges or marksmanship badges or tab on the pocket flap. Males will wear the special skill tab metal replicas and Presidents Hundred tab 1/8 inch below the top of the pocket equally spaced with other badges and tabs and between the left and right side of the pocket flap. Females wear special skill tab metal replicas with the upper portion of the tab 1/4 inch below the ribbon bar equally spaced under the ribbon bar, or in a similar location if ribbons are not worn. Soldiers may wear special skill badges or marksmanship badges 1/4 inch below lowest portion of the metal tab replica(s) only if the Soldier has more than three combined special skill tab metal replicas, special skill badges, and/or marksmanship badges or tab worn on the pocket flap, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets. Any special skill badges worn under metal tab replicas on the pocket flap will be worn in order of precedence by group from the wearer’s right to left. Special skill tab metal replicas may not be worn one on top of another (stacked) and special skill tab metal replicas may not be worn above the ribbons. See paragraph 22–16e for further wear guidance of special skill tabs. See figure 20–61 for wear of special skill tab metal replicas with other badges on the pocket flap.