The California State Guard serves the State of California along side the California National Guard, the CSG is comprised of three components that more or less follow the guidance of their respective branch of service.

  • Army Component Command

  • Air Component Command

  • Maritime Component Command


The CSG is a seamless fully integrated State military operational force enhancing the civil support and federal readiness of the California Military Department and our interagency partners.


Organize, train, equip, deploy, and employ our Airmen, Soldiers, and Sailors, to deliver integrated staff, enhanced federal readiness, civil support, and historical contribution capabilities to the California Military Department, interagency partners, and the Governor.

Core Competencies

The California State Guard (CSG) is made up of primarily non paid members who train and serve the State in a military capacity. CSG members are also subject to call for Emergency State Active Duty (ESAD) by the Governor. When called to emergency duty, CSG members are compensated in accordance with State law and policy. CSG core competencies include medical, legal, liaison, operations, wildfire suppression support, maritime, and other civil support capabilities. The CSG also operates the California Military Museum Program offering important historical capabilities to the people of California. Additionally, the CSG also trains with and enhances the federal readiness of the California National Guard.

On Monday, the 1st of July, 2019 the California State Military Reserve (CSMR) changed its name back to the California State Guard (CSG), as part an overall re-branding by the California Military Department, which is now publicly going by the name "Cal Guard".

United States Code

Title 32-NATIONAL GUARD §109. Maintenance of other troops

CNGBI 5500.01, 15 June 2017 National Guard Interaction With State Defense Forces (replaces NGR 10-4, 02 November 2011)

The Constitution of the State of California

Division 2. The Military Forces of the State

Part 1. The State Militia

CHAPTER 2. General Organization [120 - 190] (Chapter 2 enacted by Stats. 1935, Ch. 389.)

ARTICLE 1. Composition [120 - 130]

(Article 1 enacted by Stats. 1935, Ch. 389.)

120. The militia of the State shall consist of the National Guard, State Military Reserve and the Naval Militia—which constitute the active militia—and the unorganized militia. (Amended by Stats. 1963, Ch. 94.)

CHAPTER 3. State Military Reserve Act [550 - 567]