Civil Air Patrol

The Civil Air Patrol is the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force and as such, with the exception of certain distinguishing uniform items for both cadets and senior members and specific CAP uniforms, follows the guidance of the Air Force.

15 JUN 2021 wear-out date for BDUs

With reference to the green fleece, here is the Air Force's guidance on the mater: AFI 36-2903 18 JULY 2011

6.1.10. Sage Green Fleece. Only worn outdoors with the Airman Battle Uniform (ABU); remove when indoors. (Exception: Local commanders have the authority to allow indoor wear of the sage green fleece jacket as mission needs dictate.) The sage green fleece is authorized for wear as an outer garment with the ABU only. It can only be worn over the ABU coat. It is not authorized to be worn solely over a t-shirt, thermal underwear, etc. ... The sage green fleece will be zipped no lower than the top of the name tape. The collar will be folded over and resting on the shoulder, chest, and back when the zipper is not completely zipped.