State Awards

Unit citations

If a CSG service member had everything, this is what it would look like.

The following is the order of precedence among California awards and decorations:

(1) California Medal of Valor

(2) California Military Cross

(3) California Order of California

(4) California Legion of Merit

(5) California Medal of Merit

(6) California Commendation Medal

(7) California Achievement Medal

(8) Governor’s Outstanding Unit Citation

(9) The Adjutant General’s Meritorious Unit Citation

(10) California Good Conduct Medal

(11) California Service Medal

(12) California Enlisted Trainers Excellence Ribbon

(13) California Enlisted Excellence Ribbon

(14) California Recruiting Achievement Ribbon

(15) California National Guard Federal Service Ribbon

(16) California State Service Ribbon

(17) California Senior Enlisted Leadership Ribbon

(18) California Counterdrug Service Ribbon

(19) California Drill Attendance Ribbon

(20) California State Military Reserve Military History Medal

(21) California State Military Reserve Training Excellence Ribbon

(22) California State Military Reserve Enlisted Excellence Ribbon

(23) California State Military Reserve Recruiting Achievement Ribbon

(24) California State Military Reserve Professional Development Ribbon

(25) California State Military Reserve Mission Qualification Ribbon

(26) California State Military Reserve Emergency Training Ribbon

(27) California State Military Reserve Outstanding Service Ribbon

(28) California State Military Reserve Volunteer Service Ribbon

(29) California State Military Reserve Drill Attendance Ribbon

(30) California State Military Reserve Outstanding Unit Citation

From: CMDM 1600.00 01 August 2014, Appendix B

22–6. Wear of service ribbons and lapel buttons

(2) How worn. Service ribbons are worn in order of precedence from the wearer’s right to left, in one or more rows, with either no space between rows or 1/8-inch space between rows. No more than four ribbons are worn in any one row. Soldiers will not start a second row unless they are authorized to wear four or more ribbons. The determination of whether three or four ribbons are worn in each row is based upon the size of the coat and the position of the lapel. The first and second rows will contain the same number of ribbons (three or four) before starting a third row. Second and subsequent rows will either contain the same number of ribbons or less than the row below. The top row is centered on the row beneath or may be aligned to the wearer’s left, whichever presents the best appearance (see fig 22–1).

per DA PAM 670–1 • 26 January 2021

22–10. U.S. and foreign unit awards

c. How worn. All permanent and temporary unit award emblems with or without frames are worn in the order of precedence from the wearer’s right to left. Unit awards are worn on the right side of the uniform, regardless of which service or agency awarded them. Only one emblem representing the same unit award is worn at one time. Unit award emblems awarded with frames are worn with the laurel leaves of the frame painting upward. Award emblems are worn in rows containing no more than three emblems per row with no space between emblems and with up to 1/8-inch space between rows, depending upon the size of emblems with frames. Personnel may wear unit awards when wearing full-sized medals or service ribbons, but they may not wear them with miniature medals. Unit awards received from other U.S. Services that have a frame are worn with the Army (large size) unit award citation frame. Unit awards of the other U.S. Services that do not have frames are worn on the right side without frames. The criteria for permanent and temporary wear of foreign unit awards are contained in AR 670–1. Personnel will not wear temporary unit awards for official photographs or for promotion or selection boards.

per DA PAM 670–1 • 26 January 2021