Energy Associates
For three decades, Energy Associates has provided expertise in the economic, environmental, and technical aspects of energy-efficient technologies and climate change, with special emphasis on: efficient lighting; energy in high-tech facilities; federal energy management; energy in low-income housing; utilization of the Internet and social media for disseminating energy information; advanced data visualization; energy education; energy planning and policy; non-energy benefits of energy-efficient technologies and risk management; and climate change impacts and adaptation, with emphasis on the financial services sector.
Evan Mills, Ph.D. Extensive international experience in the energy efficiency and climate change arenas. In addition to his independent consulting work -- described on this website -- Dr. Mills is a retired Senior Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (general and personal research sites), where he remains a Research Affiliate.
Current areas of interest and expertise include energy efficiency, climate risk management, and sustainability planning. See drill-down pages for more information.
Climate risk & insurance - Empowering the world's largest industry -- insurance -- to proactively address climate risk
Energy up in Smoke - Quantifying the carbon footprint of indoor cannabis production and identifying business and policy solutions
Green gaming - Enhancing the computer gaming experience while radically reducing energy requirements
Lumina Project - Solar off-grid lighting in the developing world
Sustainability planning - No-nonsense advice on "going green" for non-specialist managers and decision makers
For a complete list of research areas, publications, presentations, etc. go to my LBNL website.