
Armstrong/Energyn (US) - Development of a successful proposal to the California Energy Commission for developing and demonstrating a suite of new information technologies to enable demand-responsive residential homes.

Barakat, Howard & Chamberlin (US) - Analysis of gas-electricity fuel-switching issues for commercial buildings.

Bay Area Air Quality Management District (US) -

Better Energy Systems (US/UK) - Advice on opportunities in illumination systems for off-grid lighting.

CalPERS (US) - California Public Employees’ Retirement System - Assistance in evaluating clean-tech investment opportunities.

Capital-E (US) - Co-author of major study on the cost-effectiveness of green buildings.

Center for Applied Environmental Law and Policy (via HSU) (US) - Analysis of technical potential and policy options for deploying heat pump water heating for US buildings and industry.

Ceres (US) - Analysis of the potential impacts of climate change on insurance industry and best practices in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

CMC Energy Services (US) - Advisor on interactive energy analysis tool design, and proposal development for related energy services provided to utilities.

Disney Imagineering (US) - Script consultant for The World of Energy Pavilion at the EPCOT Center (Ellen Degeneres and Bill Nye)

Electricity Corporation of New Zealand (New Zealand) - Authored in-depth review of the history of demand side management in the United States for use by New Zealand energy policy community

Energy Auditor and Retrofitter Magazine (now Home Energy) (US) - Charter author; developed numerous articles for publication in the magazine.

Environmental Democracy Project (USA) - Assessment of environmental justice risks associated with indoor cannabis cultivation; recommendations on avoidance of illegal use of fossil fuel generators where disadvantaged populations are living

FASECOLDA (Colombia) - Federacion de Aseguradores Colombianos (Colombian Federation of Insurance Companies) - Develop keynote presentation on the risks and opportunities posed by climate change to the Colombian insurance industry

German Marshall Fund (US) - Performed computer simulation analysis of the potential energy performance of Swedish-made manufactured homes in U.S. climates.

Greenpeace International (NL) - Presentations on integrated supply/demand scenarios for the Swedish power and heat sector.

Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance & Inspection Company - Strategic consultation in new business opportunities in the risk-managemetn/energy-management nexus.

Harvard Medical School - Center for Health and the Global Environment (US) Principal in Swiss Re funded study on health impacts of global climate change.

Hewlett Foundation (US) - Co-author of white paper on the status of US insurance industry activity on climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Hewlett-Packard (US) - Advanced Lecture on the specter of fuel-based lighting in the developing world.

Humboldt State University (US) - Grid-flexible heat pump water heating for homes, businesses, and industry. Input to Joe Biden's energy and environmet Transition team, 2021.

Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts (US) - Conducted organizations first comprehensive energy audit.

Institute for Environmental Technologies (Netherlands) - Conducted assessment of demand-side management in the United States.

Integrated Process Technologies (US) - Developed web-based energy calculator for small business applications; participated as part of core team in development of new service offering to small businesses.

International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (Sweden) - Founder; editor of quarterly newsletter and author of numerous articles; conceived a successful series of five bi-annual international conferences.

International Finance Corporation (IFC) - Assistance with development of a market-transformation project to replace kerosene lighting in sub-Saharan Africa with energy-efficient alternatives. A separate engagement involved preparation of a major report on opportunities for insurance companies to participate in inclusive green growth in the developing world.

International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths (US) - Analysis of least-cost energy savings scenarios for Europe.

Investment Research (US) - Performed in-depth technical and economic analysis of technologies that compete with compact fluorescent lamps.

Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (France/global)- Environment Directorate (Group on Urban Affairs) (France) - Served on Expert Advisory Committee for European-wide project on integrating energy efficiency into urban planning.

Peralta Community College District (US) - Lead development of successful proposal to the National Science Foundation for developing new curriculum for building operator education; recruited industry advisory board and orchestrated major focus group session to define industry needs.

RAND Corporation - (US) - Review of climate resilience analysis for US Army

Regents of the Central European University (Hungary) - Lecturing at CEU

Rockefeller Family Fund (US) - Outreach to National Association of Insurance Regulators on the topic of climate change.

Sierra Club (US) - Contribute to white paper on the role of finance in providing energy access for the 1.3 billion people in the developing world who are today without power.

Swedish Parliament Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources (Sweden) - Consultant on Swedish energy policy.

Teton Energy Partners (US) - Consultant on actuarial analyses of energy efficiency investments. Authored widely-cited report.

United States Trade and Development Agency (US) - Expert reviewer of proposal for energy efficiency in Vietnam.

United Nations

  • UN Environment Programme - consultant on off-grid lighting markets

  • Served as Lead Author under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, contributing to three major chapters of the Third Assessment. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - supported the development of carbon trading mechanisms for projects that reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from off-grid lighting sources in the developing world.

World Bank (US/global) - Expert advisor and reviewer of proposed Bank-funded projects.