
Following are publications other than those done under the auspices of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [full list here]

Alstone, P., E. Mills, J. Carma, and A. Cervantes. 2021. "Towards Low-Carbon Hot Water and Industrial Heat with Efficient and Flexible Heat Pumps." Humboldt State University, 113 pp. [PDF]

Mills, E. and S. Zeramby. 2020. "Energy Use: Inconvenient Truths for the Cannabis Industry, Policymakers, and Consumers." The Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Cannabis Research, D. Corva and J. Meisel, eds. In press.

Mills, E., T. Lamm, S. Sukhia, E. Elkind, and A. Ezroj. 2018. "Trial by Fire: Managing Climate Risks Facing Insurers in the Golden State." Sacramento: California Department of Insurance, 93pp. [PDFs - high-res and low-res]

Craine, S., E. Mills, and J. Guay. 2014. "Clean Energy Services for All: Financing Universal Electrification." Sierra Club: Washington, D.C., 8pp. [PDF]

Mills, E. 2014. “Light for Life: Identifying and Reducing the Health and Safety Impacts of Fuel-based Lighting.” Prepared for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative, Paris. (in press)

Mills. 2014. “Lifting the Darkness on the Price of Light: An Assessment of Energy Subsidies on the Off-grid Lighting Market in ECOWAS countries.” Prepared for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative, Paris. (in press)

Mills, E. 2014. “Light & Livelihoods: A Bright Outlook for Employment in the Transition from Fuel-based Lighting to Off-grid Electric Alternatives.” Prepared for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative, Paris. (in press)

Mills, E. 2012. "The Carbon Footprint of Indoor Cannabis Production," Energy Policy 46:58–67 [PDF] [Summary, FAQs, downloads]

Mills, E. 2010. "Kermit Was Right: It's NOT Easy Being Green." [PDF]

Mills, E. 2009. "From Risk to Opportunity 2008: Insurer Responses to Climate Change." Published by Ceres. [Summary] [PDF]

Mills, E. 2009. "The True Carbon Footprint of Going Online" Sunday Times (London), February 1, 2009 [Online version] [PDF] [Commentary]

Mills, E. 2009. "Building Commissioning: The Stealth Energy-Efficiency Strategy," Climate Progress, August 12 [online | PDF]

Mills, E. 2008. "Climate Research Development, Demonstration, and Deployment Road Map: Buildings Sector." Prepared for the California Air Resources Board. January 18. [Supporting material] [PDF]

Mills, E. 2007. "From Risk to Opportunity: 2007 - Insurer Responses to Climate Change." Published by Ceres. [PDF]

Mills, E. 2007. "Eco-Solutions." Forbes. April 27. [Online version] [PDF]

Mills, E. 2007. "Responding to Climate Change — The Insurance Industry Perspective." In Climate Action, Sustainable Development International (in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme), December, pp. 100-103.

World Bank and International Finance Corporation. 2007. "Product Quality Assurance for Offgrid Lighting in Africa." Conference Proceedings from the Lighting Africa Product Quality Assurance Workshop, Airlie Conference Center, Arlie VA, October 14-16. Prepared for ESMAP.

Mills, E. and E. Lecomte. 2006. "From Risk to Opportunity: How Insurers Can Proactively and Profitably Manage Climate Change." Published by Ceres, Boston, MA. [PDF]

Mills, E. 2006. "Let There Be Light!" ECEEE Commentary. [Online version]

Mills, E. and J. Livingston. 2005. "Traversing The Valley of Death." Forbes. November 17. [Online version]

Epstein, P. and E. Mills. 2005. "Climate Change is Hazardous to Your Health." Forbes. November 16. [Online version]

Epstein, P. and E. Mills (eds.). 2005. "Climate Change Futures: Health, Ecological and Economic Dimensions." Published by Harvard Medical School, sponsored by Swiss Re and the U.N. Development Programme. (Contributing Authors: Pamela Anderson, John Brownstein, Ulisses Confalonieri, Douglas Causey, Nathan Chan, Kristie L. Ebi, Jonathan H. Epstein, J. Scott Greene, Ray Hayes, Eileen Hofmann, Laurence S. Kalkstein, Tord Kjellstrom, Rebecca Lincoln, Anthony J. McMichael, Charles McNeill, David Mills, Avaleigh Milne, Alan D. Perrin, Geetha Ranmuthugala, Christine Rogers, Cynthia Rosenzweig, Colin L. Soskolne, Gary Tabor, Marta Vicarelli, X.B. Yang). [Summary]

Mills, E., R.J. Roth, E. Lecomte. 2005. "Availability and Affordability of Insurance Under Climate Change: A Growing Challenge for the U.S." Prepared for The National Association of Insurance Commissioners. [PDF]

Crabtree, P. N. Kyriakopedi, E. Mills, P. Haves, R.J. Otto, M.A. Piette, P Xu, R.C. Diamond, J. Deringer, and C. Frost. 2004. "Developing a Next-Generation Community College Curriculum for Energy-Efficient High-Performance Building Operations." Proceedings of the 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA August 22 - 27. [PDF]

Mills, E., S. Kromer, and G. Weiss. 2003. "From Volatility to Value: Analysing and Managing Financial and Performance Risk in Energy Savings Projects." Proceedings of the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study, St. Raphaël, Côte d'Azur, France, pp. 1049-1057. [PDF]

Kats, G. et al. 2003. "The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings: A Report to California's Sustainable Building Task Force." Capital E, Washington D.C. [PDF]

Mills, E. 2002. "The $230-billion Global Lighting Energy Bill." Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting, Nice, France 29-31 May 2002, pp. 368-385. [PDF]

Mills, E. and N. Borg. 1999. "Trends in Recommended Lighting Levels: An International Comparison." Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North Ameria 28(1):155-163.

Mills, E. 1997. "Claims on the Global Warming Debate." The Washington Post, p. A23 (December 4). [Online version]

  • Also excerpted in The International Herald Tribune, December 10, 1997.

Mills, E. and J. Busch. 1995. "Efficiency in the Supply and End Use of Energy in U.S. Utility Systems." Prepared for the SAVE Program, European Commission.

Mills, E., J. White, and T. Schaffhauser. 1995. "Cutting Government Programs to Save Energy Overlooks Benefits." Los Angeles Times, Business Section, September 10, p. 2. [Online version]

  • Reprinted in Energy Efficiency News, 1(7):2-3 and Lighting Maintenance and Management.

Roturier, J. and E. Mills. 1994. "Changing Tides in the Swedish Power Sector." Le Recherche (in French). (Invited)

Mills, E. 1993. "Efficient Lighting Programs in Europe: Cost-Effectiveness, Consumer Response, and Market Dynamics." Energy — The International Journal 18(2):131-144.

Mills, E. 1993. "The New Downstream: Increased Efficiency and Renewables As Competitive Energy Resources." In The Future of Energy Gases. D. Howell, ed. U.S. Geologic Survey, Professional Paper 1570, U.S. Government Printing Office, pp. 849-867. (Invited)

Rosenfeld, A H., and E. Mills. 1992. "A Better Idea." Washington Post (August 3) [Online version]

Dialogue Consultants Ltd. 1991. "Overseas Experience of Utilities and Energy Service Companies in the Promotion of Energy-Efficient Technology and Services." Auckland, New Zealand.

Mills, E. 1991. "Optimizing Energy Efficiency for Specific Areas of Urban Management: Urban Lighting." Prepared for the OECD Environment Directorate, Group on Urban Planning, Project Group on Environmental Improvement Through Urban Energy Management. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Report Number ENV/UA/E(91)8.

Mills, E. and N. Borg. 1991. "Short Term Financial Impacts of Energy-Efficiency Programmes on European Electrical Utilities." Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting. E. Mills, ed. Published by the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development, Stockholm, Sweden. pp. 305-318. [PDF]

Mills, E. 1991. "Using Financial Incentives to Promote Compact Fluorescent Lamps in Europe: Cost Effectiveness and Consumer Response in 10 Countries." Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting. E. Mills, ed. Published by the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development, Stockholm, Sweden. [PDF]

Mills, E., D. Wilson, and T.B. Johansson. 1991. "Getting Started: No-Regrets Strategies for Reducing Greenhouse-Gas Emissions." Energy Policy 19(6):526-542.

  • Mills, E., D. Wilson, and T.B. Johansson. 1990. "Beginning to Reduce Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Need Not Be Expensive: Examples from the Energy Sector." In Climate Change: Science, Impacts and Policy. Proceedings of the Second World Climate Conference, J. Jaeger and H.L. Ferguson (eds), Cambridge University Press, pp. 311-328. English summary translated into Arabic, French, Japanese, and Russian.

Mills, E. 1991. "Evaluation of European Lighting Programs: Utilities Finance Energy Efficiency." Energy Policy 19(3):266-278. (Invited)

Roturier, J. and E. Mills. 1991. "Les Economies d' Energie: L'ecole de Berkeley." (Energy Efficiency: The Berkeley Paradigm). Le Recherche 229(22):256-266 (in French). (Invited)

Mills, E., A. Persson, and J. Strahl. 1990. "The Inception and Proliferation of Residential European Lighting Efficiency Programs." Proceedings of the 1990 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Washington, D.C., pp. 8.155-8.167.

Mills, E. 1990. "Developing Sweden's Energy-Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources: Options for Overcoming Existing Barriers." Prepared for the Swedish Parliament Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources.

Mills, E. 1989. "Sweden After Nuclear Power: Technology Options and Their Economics, Externalities, and Policy Implications." Proceedings of the 1989 Western Economics Association International Annual Meeting: Comparing Energy Technologies. Lake Tahoe, CA (Invited) [Published later in Contemporary Policy Issues].

Bodlund, B., E. Mills, T. Karlsson, and T.B. Johansson. 1989. "The Challenge of Choices: Technology Options for the Swedish Electricity Sector." In Electricity: Efficient End-use and New Generation Technologies, and Their Planning Implications. T.B. Johansson, B. Bodlund, and R.H. Williams, eds. Lund University Press, pp. 883-947. [PDF]

  • Also translated into Swedish as "Att Välja Väg: Tekniska Alternativ för Den Svenska Elsektorn".

  • Reprinted in Global Warming. J. Leggett, ed. Oxford University Press, 1990 (editions in Czechoslovakian, French, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian). (Invited)

Geller, H., J.P. Harris, M. Ledbetter, M.D. Levine, E. Mills, R. Mowris, and A.H. Rosenfeld. 1989. "The Importance of Government Supported Research and Development in Advancing Energy Efficiency in the United States Buildings Sector." In Electricity: Efficient End-use and New Generation Technologies, and Their Planning Implications. T.B. Johansson, B. Bodlund, and R.H. Williams, eds. Lund University Press, pp. 863-882. (Invited)

Mills, E., J.P. Harris, and A.H. Rosenfeld. 1988. "Le Gisement d'Economies d'Energie aux Etats-Unis: Tendances, Perspectives et Propositions." Energie Internationale: 1988-1989. Grenoble, pp. 169-193 (in French).

  • Also in English as "U.S. Energy Trends and Policies for Developing Demand-Side Resources." Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 24920. (Invited)

Mills, E. 1988. "A Paradigm Shift in Energy: Moving from Supply-Side to Demand-Side Economics." Proceedings of the 1988 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Energy Economics. Oslo, Norway. (Invited)