
An online copy of the MPF List of Speakers is available here (November 2023).  If you spot any errors then please let the MPF General Secretary know as soon as possible so that the list can be updated.  Note that no postal addresses are given. This was agreed with Speakers and all have requested use of email (where possible) as their preferred means of communication. If for any reason you need a postal address then contact the MPF General Secretary.  Please respect the request for maximum travel distance which can easily be worked out from the city/town given for their location.

If you want to go on the MPF Speaker's List, please click on this pdf form to download it to your computer, open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader and complete the form, save it back to your computer, and then attach it in an email to the MPF General Secretary.  Alternatively please print off the form, complete it, and post it to the MPF General Secretary.

See Society Frames for a draft list showing the number and size of frames available to visiting speakers/societies at each MPF society.

Societies are always looking for new speakers.  Most society meetings have two halves of between 70 and 100 sheets each half, with an interval to view the display (and often to take refreshments) between the halves.  Please contact the MPF General Secretary if you would like to go on the list.

Guidelines to Speakers (*)

Guidelines to Societies (*)

(*)The above guidelines have been taken from "The Visiting Speaker !" leaflet produced by the A.B.P.S..