Leicester Stamp and Postal History Society

Leicester Philatelic Society was wound up as of the end of August 2023, due to various factors including declining membership.   However, an entirely new Club (Leicester Stamp and Postal History Club) has been launched in September 2023 focussed primarily on members’ presentations but with plans for the occasional visiting speaker. Virtually all bureaucracy has been eliminated (no Officers, Committee, programme, AGM etc.) and there is no subscription. The Club is unconstituted (i.e no written constitution) and is run on an informal basis by two rotating co-ordinators, meeting as before once a month.

Programme for 2023:

There is no fixed programme.  Most meetings will be centred on members' displays and presentations, plus on occasion a mini-auction or bourse.  There will at times be a meeting with a visiting speaker.  Members will be emailed in advance with details of each upcoming meeting.