
We are committed to the safeguarding of all children. Sarah is the Designated Safeguarding Lead. Midget Gems is registered as a data handler with ICO, the Information Commissioner's Office.

Here at Award Winning Midget Gems Childcare we work together with many organisations to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and good practice. All staff understand how to keep children safe and undertake regular Safeguarding training to keep up to date and,  Safeguarding is effective. 

Children who are experiencing difficulties receive first class support.

Checks are made on staff and students, these are robust and recorded.

Staff ensure they take swift action when Safeguarding concerns arise.

We have independent Health & Safety Checks,  Darlington College and  an independent company instructed by NYCC, both said we passed with flying colours !

We have annual Fire Risk Assessments carried out by the North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service. Following their last visit they wrote to us and said " These Risk Assessments cover a range of factors that contribute toward fire risk and the rating of Very Low suggests that there is evidence of good practice in reducing and removing these risks."

We embrace a culture of continous learning and improvement.

We adhere to Child Protection Procedures and keep safeguarding at the forefront of our business.(Please refer to our policies and procedures.)

All staff have been trained in Prevent Duty and British Values.

E-Safety is shared with both children and parents.

Visitor procedures are in place.

Mental Health Safeguarding, Honour based abuse and Upskirting have all been updated in recent training with the team. 

If you are worried about any child's welfare please contact:

The  Early Help Team on 01609 534829 Let's all......   "Notice, Check, Share".

The links to these websites offer real help and support to us all, please check them out.

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

NSPCC Safeguarding Children and Child Protection

Young Minds Mental Health Charity for young children and their parents

One Plus One Me You and Baby Too, free online courses for parents

Click Relationships Matter

Family Lives Parenting and Family Support

Gingerbread single Parents and their Families

See it Differently