Simulation Developer Experience

Mustafa Ilhan Akbas worked at IEMS department of UCF in the second half of 2010 for the "SimSeries" project, which is a collaborative work developed between the College of Engineering and Computer Science in UCF and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The principal focus of this collaboration is developing a simulation tool for six main disaster types that affect United States which would support the agencies in their training, life-unit optimizations, and management.

M. Ilhan Akbas participated in the development of a dynamic disaster management simulation tool using Visual Studio and Google Earth Pro and worked on requirement specification and data analysis.

The project objective focused on three areas:

  • Establish a theoretically sound framework for a building a series of simulation systems,
  • Development a suite of robust, dynamic simulation tools to support mitigation, training, preparation, and response.
  • Develop exportable programs that interface with existing exercise simulation product.

This effort is for modeling disasters (hurricanes, pandemic and earthquake) in order to develop a platform that integrates information from different models during the occurrence of a disaster. This platform seeks to offer a friendly lecture, supporting the decision making process in the agencies.

Some of the techniques used to build the models include fitting or regression approaches, fuzzy logic, and model-order reduction methods. These methods are used to create two different models, the behavioral and performance (functional).

The simulated scenarios enable us to collect information on the complete system which later will be used in generating the mitigation plans. In order to minimize the loss of life, injuries, or any property damage it is very important to have a perfectly organized, optimized and effective emergency response.