Research Group

Our research group is lead by Dr. Akbas, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU). He is the co-director of ERAU’s Wireless Devices and Electromagnetics Laboratory (WIDE Lab) and a member of the Center for Aerospace Resilience (CAR) at ERAU. Dr. Akbas received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at the University of Central Florida (UCF), where he conducted research at the AI Things Lab and received the Interdisciplinary Information Science and Technology Laboratory Fellowship. His BS and MS degrees are from the Dep. of Electrical and Electronics Eng, METU. He is a member of IEEE, ACM, AIAA, SAE, IEEE Communications Society, IEEE IoT and Cloud Computing Communities, International Alliance for Mobility Testing and Standardization (IAMTS), Complex Systems Society and Cyber Safety Commercial Aviation Team (CSCAT). Dr. Akbas has been teaching at every level of electrical engineering and computer science curriculum and actively working on the course and curriculum development. He also has more than eight years of industry experience in international defense industry projects and enterprise level software development.

Our research group is always looking for motivated graduate and undergraduate students in Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering or Data Science to work together on problems related to our research interests such as autonomous systems, machine learning (AI/ML), wireless networks, complex systems, modeling and simulation. If you have any questions, please and contact us at "akbasm @ erau . edu" .

Team Members


Topic: Boundary Adherence in High Dimensional Time Series Data


May 2023, grad students from our group, John and Quentin, at the IEEE MOST Conference.



Thesis: Search Space Exploration of Multidimensional Boundaries through Adherence Strategies (SEMBAS) for the Verification of Black Box Systems

Project: Utilization of Monte Carlo Tree Search for Validation

Project: Finding Critical Areas of Concern for sUAS Collision Avoidance 

Project: Topic:  Publish-Subscribe Communication in a Low Resource Environment

Topic: Tightly Couple Dipole Array Design Optimization By Using Machine Learning Approach

April 2019, grad and undergrad students from our group at an IEEE conference (Quentin, Vamsi, Caleb, Easton, Chris)


High School