Digitized Rhinoplasty

Digitizing Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a challenging plastic surgery procedure for correcting and reconstructing the nose. It is one of the most frequently performed aesthetic surgeries with more than 200K annual cases in the US. Currently, rhinoplasty is performed by the visual senses of the surgeon and the success of the procedure mostly depends on the experience of the surgeon. The surgeon has to have a sense of symmetry, sufficiency or insufficiency and so on. We aim to research and develop tools that will help the surgeon during the process including pre-surgery, in-surgery and post-surgery procedures.

In our first steps towards "digitizing rhinoplasty", I've been collaborating with my colleagues on the development of a web application designed for preoperative rhinoplasty surgery planning. The web application can be found here: LINK.

Related Publications

  • O. Topsakal, M. I. Akbas, B. S. Smith, M. F. Perez, E. C. Guden and M.M. Celikoyar. "Evaluating the Agreement and Reliability of a Web-Based Facial Analysis Tool for Rhinoplasty." The International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), Springer, 2021.

  • M. M. Celikoyar, M. Perez, M. I. Akbas, O. Topsakal. "Facial Surface Anthropometric Features and Measurements with an Emphasis on Rhinoplasty." Accepted to the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Oxford University Press, 2021.

  • O. Topsakal, M. I. Akbas, B. S. Smith, M. Perez, E. C. Guden, M. M. Celikoyar. "Evaluating Intra and Inter Reliability of a Web-Based Facial Analysis Tool for Rhinoplasty" Accepted to the Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) Congress, June, 2021.

  • Y. AlRashidi, S. Toloza, H. Denys, J. Gattuso, E. Nunez and M. I. Akbas. "Aiding Rhinoplasty Surgeons with 3D Imaging and a Rule-Based Adjustment Algorithm". In the IEEE SoutheastCon, March, 2021.

  • O. Topsakal, M. I. Akbas, D. Demirel, R. Nunez, B. Smith, M. F. Perez, M. M. Celikoyar. "Digitizing Rhinoplasty: A Web Application for Pre-Operative Planning." The International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp. 1-10, Springer, 2020. (Link)

  • O. Topsakal, M. I. Akbas, D. Demirel, B. Smith, M. F. Perez, M. M. Celikoyar. "Digitizing Rhinoplasty: A Web Application for Three Dimensional Preoperative Planning." In the Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) Congress, June, 2020.