Welcome to MGT 780!


This is the website for the Spring 2025 edition of MGT 780: Social Network Analysis, a Ph.D. level course taught each Spring by Steve Borgatti at the University of Kentucky. The course is offered under the auspices of the LINKS Center at the Gatton College of Business and Economics, as well as the Dept. of Management

The focus of this course is doing social network research. As such, the focus is on the theoretical concepts and methodology of social network analysis. We do not focus on the empirical findings of the field to date. 

To navigate the course, visit the syllabus and the schedule


The course is heavily software-dependent, so bring your laptop to class and make learning the software a priority. See the software page for details.

The short name for this website is mgt780.net . The email group for the class is https://groups.io/g/MGT780. Please make sure you join the list, because that is how I will communicate with the class. Students are asked to champion/present individual readings in class. Check the sign-up sheet to choose who does what.

We probably won't be using a lot of Powerpoint this year. If you would like to see slides from the 2022 edition of the course, please visit Mgt780Spring2022. In the absence of powerpoint slides, I've created a "key ideas" document that I will add to each week in order to have a written record of some key concepts.