Centrality I
Part 1 of examining measures of node centrality. Centrality is a property of a node's position in the network. We focus on algebraic measures, such as iterated degree, eigenvector, and beta centrality. Next week we turn to graph-theoretic measures.
ASN ch 10
Freeman, L. C. (1979.) Centrality in social networks conceptual clarification. Social Networks, 1 pp. 215-239.
Bonacich, P., 1987. Power and centrality: A family of measures. American journal of sociology, 92(5), pp.1170-1182.
Bonacich, P. (1972). Factoring and weighting approaches to status scores and clique identification.
Supplementary Readings
Ponzi, D., Zilioli, S., Mehta, P. H., Maslov, A., & Watson, N. V. (2016). Social network centrality and hormones: The interaction of testosterone and cortisol. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 68, 6-13. [take with grain of salt; I include this to show wide range of possibilities with centrality]