In this class, we go over elementary graph theory, matrix algebra and relational set theory, along with basics of using UCINET. Key topics include:
graph theory
components, paths, walks, trails, distance, degree
directed, valued graphs
2-mode data
matrix algebra
matrix multiplication, transposition, inverses
relational set theory
relational composition
Pre-class exercise
please take the time to learn/recall how to do matrix multiplication by hand. There are lots of videos online including this one
make sure the UCINET software is running on your laptop. See the Software page for details
Borgatti Introduction to Graph Theory
Class outline
Supplementary readings
Krackhardt and Carley. 1988. A PCANS Model of Structure in Organizations. Proceedings of the 1998 International Symposium on Command and Control Research and Technology. June. Monterey, CA. [pdf]
Milgram, S. (1967). The small world problem. Psychology today, 2(1), 60-67.Â
Haven't read these, but look useful