SCRIP Gift Cards

If you are new to SCRIP, it’s an easy way to support the school. Simply purchase gift cards at face value. The PTO is able to purchase them at a discount and earn a profit. All profits go towards the purchase of Audio Amplification Systems for the classrooms. Article about Classroom Amplification

Order forms are posted on the MGS website available to print anytime – feel free to share them with friends, businesses and coworkers. Anyone can order. Take a moment to look through the order form and to also browse the merchants online ( and see how you could incorporate into your monthly shopping habits.

A alphabetical list of SCRIP PRO Merchants

MGS families and friends can now raise money without selling! In tough economic times, it is extremely difficult to collect money using traditional fundraisers. Our new Scrip Fundraiser uses gift cards for everyday purchases you would make anyway (like food, clothing, gas and other essentials), and with every purchase you earn revenue for your child and the MGS PTO. This will run year round, giving you continuous opportunity to continue building your personal fund and helping MGS.

MGS PTO has teamed up with SCRIP PRO, who buys large amounts of gift cards at a discount from leading retailers like WalMart, Old Navy, Shell, Pizza Hut, Red Lobster, and many more. MGS buys the gift cards from SCRIP PRO at a discount, and resells the certificates to you for full face value. The discount (from 2 to 15% or more) is revenue for you and MGS PTO.

How Does It Work?

For example, if you know that you are going to buy $25 worth of gas, you could purchase a gas gift card for $25 and the band would profit a percentage from that sale. You spend $25 and you get a $25 gift card in return. You lose nothing! The percentages change depending on the retailer.