
Spreading the word for the PTO. This committee submits to the MGS newsletter, sends emails to announce PTO events and activities and keeps the MGS-PTO website and Facebook pages updated.

This is a great committee for people who can't get to the school during the day but love to work on the computer. If you like playing with graphic design, words, and sharing what is going on; join this committee! PTO meeting attendance is a big plus for this committee but not necessary .

Publicity volunteers:

- Maintain the MGS PTO facebook page with the latest PTO events and announcements

- Update the MGS PTO website with the latest PTO minutes and announcements

- Gather the information and design a MGS PTO page for the monthly MGS newsletter

- Helps the various PTO committees (as needed) to create and publish various committee flyers

Examples of the MGS PTO Newsletter:

Check out the MGS PTO Facebook page to see more of the Publicity committee's work!