MGS PTO Executive Officer Duties

General Duties Of The Executive Officers:

  • Accomplish necessary business between PTO meetings

  • Review an agenda for the general meeting of the PTO

  • Prepare and submit to the PTO for approval a budget for the fiscal year

  • Approve all expenditures that exceed the approved budgeted amounts

  • Review bylaws, propose modifications, and amend as per bylaws procedure

  • Take such actions as are consistent with the purposes of the PTO

  • Attend PTO officer meetings

Specific Duties, List By Office:

PTO President

  • Prepare and submit meeting agendas

  • Preside over all officer and general PTO meetings

  • Attend school board meetings as needed

  • Responsible for the recruitment of and active participation of PTO members

  • Attend PTO officer and general PTO meetings

PTO Vice President

        • Attend PTO officer and general PTO meetings

        • Responsible for all Presidential activities if office becomes vacant

        • Lead general meeting in the event the president is absent

        • Recruit, appoint, and oversee standing or special committee chairs

PTO Treasurer

  • Attend PTO officer and general PTO meeting

  • Until a time where PTO becomes a unique entity, all funds are to be directed with the MGS office assistant in charge of the Student Activities Fund through the coordination of the PTO Treasurer

  • MGS office assistant, with the coordination of the PTO Treasurer, will collect and deposit money for all fundraising events. The office assistant must verify that there are two signatures not the deposit requests and record deposits in the system. In addition, the office assistant will be resposbile for payment of bills and expense reimbursements. All cash outflow must be supported by a receipted approved by the PTO Treasurer.

  • Keep records to validate cash flow/ expenses through the Student Activities Fund

  • Provide a report to the officers and general PTO of cash flow activity at general meetings

  • Preside at the budget planning meeting(s) and present actual vs. budget report(s)

  • Responsible for the finalized budget before September

  • Keep a clean copy of the budget, and cash flow activity report in permanent record

PTO Secretary

  • Attend PTO officer and general PTO meeting

  • Maintain meeting attendance

  • Responsible for the creating and maintaining a database that includes the following: PTO officer members, committee chairs, and volunteer names including, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and committee assignments(s)

  • Record and distribute the minutes at PTO meetings and maintain a copy for permanent record