MGS PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)

Our mission as the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) at Metamora Grade School is to promote and encourage communication between parents, teachers, administration, and the community. The PTO also sponsors and organizes fundraising and school events, which deepen our community spirit and enrich our children’s educational, social, and developmental experiences at MGS. We strive to encourage a sense of community at MGS where students, staff, and parents can participate and thrive.

Volunteering with the MGS PTO is an opportunity to help support your child’s school and have a direct impact on their education.

As a PTO volunteer you do not need hours every week to participate, give only what can and when you can. Your continued support of PTO activities and fundraisers is greatly appreciated by the whole MGS family.


2020-2021 has proven to be a challenge for everyone. During this time the MGS PTO has pledged money to ensure the MGS teachers had the resources they needed to instruct their students remotely, as well as when the students physically returned to MGS. The MGS PTO spent funds to purchase the following:

  • Boom Learning digital activities for all kindergarteners

  • Banker boxes for sending home print materials and supplies needed for distance learning for each kindergartner

  • Seesaw Learning Management System for students in kindergarten and first grade to participate in remote instruction

  • Materials for partitions for students with IEPs and in RtI to safely attend school

  • Whoo’s Reading online reading and comprehension program for all 5th graders

  • A camera for the demonstration of lessons by 6th grade teachers

  • Digital texts of the young adult novel about the Revolutionary War, My Brother Sam is Dead for all 7th graders

  • Webcams for live and recorded instruction for every grade

  • Apps to record, edit, and share instructional videos with students for all MGS staff

  • A drawing tablet for 8th grade instruction

  • Plexiglass shields for the school nurse’s station and other locations

  • Other additional safety materials

Along with providing funds for the items listed above, MGS PTO continues to focus on providing funds for new technology for MGS classrooms as well as upgrading current technology such as amplification systems throughout the school.

2020-2021 Applification system upgrades and funding of various supplies required during/after remote learning

2017-2018 14 Chromebooks purchased

2016 Playground buddy bench - promoting friendships and ensuring every child has a place on the playground

2015-2016 20 Chromebooks purchased

2014-2015 36 Chromebooks purchased

2011-2014 Classroom amplification systems

2010-2011 Document cameras on technology carts

2010 LCD projectors on technology carts

2009 Playground fencing

2008-Present School resource Fund

2006-2008 New playground

2005 Bulletin boards for the halls

MGS PTO Fundraisers

Additional Activities We Provide

In addition to raising funds to support MGS, the PTO also provides the following events/activities:

Research shows that students whose parents are involved in their education have better grades and fewer discipline problems. Involvement at the school also makes it easier to establish friendships with teachers and other parents!