Caradorynee: Feats & Wagers #13

Post date: Jul 4, 2016 4:36:16 PM

Caradorynee: Feats & Wagers


Lark was personally escorted to the wagering booth by not one but three Duracka wagering enforcers. The fact that the shorter of the three was armed with a Duracka sheegee blaster while the other two both carried lesser sidearms made Lark swell with pride. He above all else had successfully wagered consistently on the prevailing contestant. The Human.

Now if they would only release the shackles from around his ankles he’d be able to walk to the wagering booth with some form of dignity.

Caradorynee inhabitants lining the pathway to the wagering booth reached toward him in attempts to syphon off what they hoped was a tiny measure of his luck.

The fact that Lark as part Human and part Dueanian was incapable of such a feat didn’t deter the creatures from at least trying.

The Duracka to Lark’s left cuffed a Tooacua alongside the creature’s head causing a squeal of pain from the tentacle being. The one to Lark’s right pistol whipped a Fewpo while the short Duracka shoved the sheegee blaster into the fleshy belly of an over fat Oit.

Two more Duracka wagering enforcers joined their comrades and within a short space of time Lark was safely delivered to the wagering booth where an old and rather withered Duracka stood unhappily.

Lark handed over his wagering disk and signalled that he would bet all or nothing on the Human girl in the last and final Shegata challenge.

Star stood and gingerly put weight on her right foot. The fiery pain shooting up her shin had her sucking in a breath and seriously contemplating the competence of the male Boogaues who had treated her wounds earlier.

Sure the creature had set her dislocated shoulder back into place but unfortunately it had been with a tremendous amount of pain. She’d passed out and had to be revived with a sharp slap to her jaw.

The Boogaues jabbed the end of the same instrument that the male had used to seal her open wounds onto the metatarsal bones of her right foot.

Star screamed and fell sideways against the metal table that she’d been clinging to.

The Boogaues gave Star a look that Star could only interpret as a malevolent grin.

Star snarled and snatched the instrument from the Boogaues. She turned it toward the creature and wiped the smirky smile off the creature’s face with a quick zap.

A female Boogaues, who had been waiting close by, cackled and the male Boogaues snatched the offending instrument back from Star.

Star held up her hands in an act of surrender while the Boogaues pointedly looked from her face to her foot and back several times.

Star put weight back on her right foot and surprising found that the tiny broken bones in her foot were now healed completely.

Star smiled but the male Boogaues, now quite offended, gave her a bland stare.

Star hoped that she didn’t incur any more injuries, for she couldn’t be certain that this particular Boogaues doctor would put himself out to heal her once again.

The Karco master, the one that had been in her quadrant in the first challenge: the competitor’s battle, grunted loudly indicating that it was time for Star to endure the last of the Shegata marking ceremonies.

Star swallowed and then followed the massive beast.

At least she wouldn’t have to deal with any Pouriecolts, either intact or in skeleton form, for each competitor was given their own massive cone to try and conquer.

©Human in Inhuman Worlds by Janet Merritt