*IJFM 1995 (MC special issue)

Link to the special issue on member care, International Journal of Frontier Missions,  October 1995 (Volume 12:4). Click here

Note: Many of these articles have been expanded and built upon over the years.  See notes in [   ].

The Introduction/Editorial for the special issue is not included in the link above. 

It is available below: On Behalf of the 10-40 Window of the Heart.  


**Introduction to the Special MC Issue: On Behalf of the 10-40 Window of the Heart

**Stephanas: A New Testament Prototype of Member Care, Jeff Ellis

[see also Glen Taylor article on theology/member care in Enhancing Missionary Vitality [EMV) 2002] 

**Avoiding Pitfalls on Multinational Teams, Yong Joong Cho and David Greenlee

[expanded in Doing Member Care Well (DMCW) in 2002 to include Arabic and African dimensions]

**Foxes Giants, and Wolves, Kelly and Michele O'Donnell

[expanded in DMCW book 2002 to include "Flies"--personal folly-->disgrace]

**Short-Term Counseling on the Frontiers, Len Cerny and David Smith

[built upon further in DMCW book 2002 with many case examples]

**Struggles of Latin Americans in Frontier Missions, Pablo Carrillo

[built upon further in DMCW--three articles on Latin Americans/Brazilians plus see also  http://cuidadointegralcomibam.blogspot.com/]

**From Rhetoric to Reality: Assessing Needs and Coping Strategies, Kelly O'Donnell

**Reflections on Pastoral Care in Frontiers, Greg Livingston

**Guidelines for Crisis and Contingency Management

[related articles in many sources in DMCW, EMV, etc.]

**Written Resources for Member Care

[expanded in DMCW book, 2002 plus see the 100+ MC Books (2018 update):  MC Library]