Training Day 2010

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

International Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Theme for the Day: Organizational Perspectives for Member Care

Materials from the Training Day, 19 June 2010, held at Fuller School of Psychology, Pasadena, California, USA:

*Organizational health/contributions to staff well-being and operational effectiveness

*Case studies (UNHCR as an organisation, international humanitarian setting post-calamity, USA urban-community setting)

*Future directions for member care as a field and crossing sectors in light of the global issues facing humanity

*Audio and video files for the five presentations:



* Written materials

1. Presentation notes from Kelly and Michele O'Donnell

2. UNHCR Organizational Culture Study 2005 (short version)

3. UNHCR Organizational Culture Study 2005 (full version)

4. UNHCR Organizational Culture Study: What Now? 2006 (follow-up study)

*Basic premises:

--1. Healthy organizations develop healthy staff

Healthy staff develop healthy organizations

Healthy organizations + Healthy staff = operational effectiveness

--2. The mission sector and the humanitarian assistance sector overlap significantly.

We refer to this overlapping reality as the mission/aid sector.

We can learn much from each other with regards to member care, organizational development, program effectiveness, etc.

--3. Mission and God are bigger than we think.

God is at work in so many ways in the world today.

It is important to "cross borders" (sectors, disciplines, cultures) while maintaining our core faith-based, member care focus.

Note March 2021: There are many additional developments related to this topic and UNHCH. Just one example is the 2013 Study-Report, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Staff.