Mentorship & Feedback

(What students say about me)

"I'm glad to share my last one year experience as a research student working with Dr. Prasoon Kumar and the BAMD lab. The journey started with the guide selection. I think we met in December for the first time. I remember two lines that you said: "I believe in teamwork and you should be good team members, and we work on a trust basis." It was perfect for me, and I liked working in this type of environment. With a single meeting, you trusted me and locked in the guide selection process. You gave me a chance, and I took all the benefits possible. Whatever chance I got to learn, I learned from you during this time period. Initially, I was new to this field and my research topic. With some time, I got used to all this because of your guidance. You gave me so much freedom that I also tried to explore new things during my project. Because of that freedom, I worked well, as everyone loves freedom. During this time, I learned how to do research, how to find the science behind small things, and always keep the basics clear. The most important thing I learned is that having patience, confidence, and trust in your work will bring meaningful results. Initially, I wanted to work on some device development, but after some time, I felt that exploratory work is best for learning something new. I enjoyed the project, and at every new phase of the project, you guided me very well, even though sometimes things were new for you too. You appreciated my work at every step, which is why I was able to do good research. I learned lots of things, like how to deal with hard problems in life. Despite suffering some problems in my personal life, you guided me well. I don't know how much I will be able to write in this feedback, but I definitely learned and enjoyed much more than that. The lab environment was also good. Whenever I got stuck, lab mates guided me without any delay. They considered me as their friend and not just a junior. I enjoyed the lab environment with them. These people were good, and I learned a lot from them. I got these people because of you. I remembered one sentence you said: "Jindagi me kisko kush rakha aur kisko nahi." Because of this, many of my doubts were cleared, which was very useful for me. As per my experience, you never broke my trust. Unfortunately, I was not able to complete some promises that I made to you, such as the blood typing device and application for some fellowship, only because of my lazy nature. I'm sorry for that, and I will definitely cover this with something new. I'm still working on writing a research paper, and I hope this promise will be completed soon.  As a guide and mentor, it was a very good experience for me. I'm very lucky that I got your guidance. Finally, and again, I want to say that your guidance, the way you gave freedom, the way you appreciated and supported, and the way you treated me was very good and unforgettable. It will last for a lifetime. Thank you so much for investing your one year on me🙏🙂 I don't it is right format of feedback or not. I wrote as I can(you also know how good me at writing 🥹 sorry for that). And still confused about one thing that is working under your guidance or Working with you this may because of your freedom or i don't know. " ---  Vishal Hawle (MTech Biomedical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, 2022- 2024 Batch)

"The very first time I saw you was, ‘you’ teaching thermodynamics. I was impressed with how you approached the lecture and students. You did not strike me as someone who might be boring and talking about their coursework, assignments, and other things all the time. Somehow you made me feel comfortable. I always knew I could hang out with you if things went south. Somehow, I knew that you would support me like a friend. I am very proud to say that I was correct from the beginning. I believe choosing a good advisor is very important for you to survive in an educational institution and I got lucky on that part. There were quite a few times when things were not going like I wanted them to go, in the back of my head I always knew I could go to you anytime and you would shelter this refugee. I really hope that you enjoyed my advice on Stand up. It’s always fun to teach someone, jokes apart. I consider myself the luckiest while admitting that with time we grew above from a mentor-mentee relationship and became friends. It was a pleasure to work under you. I did not exactly work under you but whatever the amount of time I served, it was very knowledgeable and wholesome. I learned a lot from you. I will always remember those things. I still cannot believe that we would not be meeting at that night canteen for tea. I am going to miss you a lot. I want to see you achieve all your dreams and stay like this always. Do not let anyone corrupt you. Thank you for your support! We will catch up soon somewhere better.. " ---  Abhay Thakur (BTech BioTechnology, NIT Rourkela, 2021- 2024 Batch)

"I express my heartfelt appreciation for your invaluable support and guidance during my time working in your lab. I have received tremendous support from you, and all the lab members have been incredibly supportive throughout my time in the lab. One of the most remarkable aspects of your lab is the environment of freedom and support it provides. This culture is ideal for those who seek autonomy in their work, as well as guidance in both technical and prospective aspects. The freedom you encourage has made me more responsible, ensuring an effective workflow and dedication, and has given me the opportunity to grow and contribute meaningfully, just as you believed I could. I would also like to offer some suggestions for potential improvements to enhance the lab experience for future students. Providing better air conditioning and adding some external monitors would make working on literature reviews, research articles, and 3D design projects more comfortable and efficient. Once again, thank you for everything. Your support and the collaborative lab environment have made my experience truly rewarding. " ---  Shishir khanal (BTech Biomedical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, 2021- 2024 Batch)

"From the very first day, I was welcomed into a vibrant and supportive environment. The lab members are incredibly talented and always ready to help. This collaborative atmosphere has been instrumental in my growth, both academically and personally. During my time here, I have learned to work independently and think analytically. The process of conducting research and striving for accurate results has been a transformative experience. My professor, Dr. Prasoon Kumar sir, has been an exceptional mentor. Words fall short in describing how understanding, supportive, and caring he is. His guidance has not only advanced my academic pursuits but also enriched my personal development. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to learn from him. I must also mention the senior members of the lab who have been invaluable in teaching me the ropes. They have shown me how to handle work efficiently and offered wisdom on dealing with life's challenges. Their mentorship has been a cornerstone of my experience here. Overall, these past six months have been incredibly rewarding. I have grown as a researcher and as an individual, thanks to the remarkable people I have had the privilege to work with. I look forward to continuing this journey and applying the knowledge and skills I have gained in my future endeavors. Thank you once again for providing such a wonderful and enriching experience. This team has become a family that I will never forget." ---  RikaRani Pradhan (MSc Biotechnology, KIIT Bhubaneshwar, Jan 2024-April 2024 MSc dissertation)

"There is a board in front of biotechnology department which says "You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself - Galileo galilei". Dr. Prasoon Kumar had been that catalyst for me for the past one year. His mentorship helped me to realise my potential and enabled to dream big irrespective of where I'm in life. His mentorship has given me a direction to navigate life with highest of values. Time and about i always found him standing by me in the face of difficulties. I'm grateful to the universe for providing me such a great mentor." ---  Kamasani Aaryasree (MTech Biotechnology, NIT Rourkela, 2021-2023 batch)

"I have learnt a lot, more than I expected. The quality of work which I did was not possible without your guidance. The thing which I liked the most was that my opinions were always welcomed and respected. I felt free to share my views about anything. You were not just a guide sir, you were a mentor for  academics along with other parts of life as well. This I told to Arya (new MTech student) as well and to quote "you are lucky to have Sir as your guide, so convert it as much as you can". Just the timing was not right, I was at most difficult phase of my life, and thus I felt I have not given my 100%. Also I got just 4-5 months l, which should have been a year. But this is not the end, hope to collaborate in future and learn much more from you sir." ---  Shikha Tripathi (MTech Biotechnology, NIT Rourkela, 2020-2022 batch)

"I would like to thank you for being my supervisor. It was an immense pleasure working with you. During last one and a half years, I found you to be an outstanding professor with immense Knowledge, easily approachable and friendly. My project work had been successfully completed because of your support and guidance. Apart from this, I would like to mention the difficulties which I have faced due to lack of your time and due to your busy schedule that is totally understandable though and also there were lack of resources by which most of the work was dependent." ---- Nirbighna Shaw (BTech Biomedical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, 2018-2022, batch)

"Sir, you are a very nice and warm-hearted person. I got a lot of useful advice on academics and career and you are always patient to help me. You gave me a lot of excellent advice and gave me a chance to ask a question and start a discussion. You encouraged me and gave freedom of choosing topics and doing research that is invaluable. You always motivate me in failure and make us more excited about our work. After getting results of any experiment you told us the result irrespective of it is negative or positive that things help to keep us calm after any negative result. You guide us at every step of the path. The most Important thing that I learned from you is patience and your saying that we learned more from failure than from success. You always help me to resolve the technical problems when I get stuck. You always spend your valuable time to talk about entrepreneurship and encourage us to develop products and get market for it. Finally, I want to say thank you for everything and you really know the most effective way to train the student."                      ------- Rohit Parkale ( MS Pharm, Medical Devices, NIPER Ahmedabad, 2018-2020)

"I gained enormous amount of knowledge and experience in the field of biomaterials during the term of the program and credits to Dr. Prasoon. There was always an emphasis on the concept of “give and take” with regards to ideas and information. Dr. Prasoon always encouraged me to work on my ideas and was extremely open to them, although I was an undergraduate. He was always open to discussions about not just biomaterials but any subject pertaining to science. His guidance and encouragement definitely made the summer internship worthwhile and I would look forward to work with Dr. Prasoon again."                                                                                                             ------- Amritha Bhat (Intern @ IISc as Bioengineering Summer Training (BEST) programme, May-July 2017) 

"You continue to be excellent in your teaching. You are a good teacher who devotes a great amount of personal effort and interest to your daily teaching activities, as well as to your students. As one would expect, student evaluations of your teaching remain very high in all categories. Above all, you remain open and receptive to comments and suggestions as to how your teaching can grow and improve. In that regard I commend you for the ways in which you have responded positively to some of the things you and I have discussed during 2-month internship, as well as in personal life. You are making an outstanding contribution to teaching and to the instructional programme in your field. Overall, in this short duration I have not only learned the technical skills but you teach me how to relate these skills with real-life problems."                                      --------- Hemant Kumar (Intern @ IISc as Indian Academy of Sciences Summer research programme, May-July 2018) 

Talking to you has provided me with great insight. Sometimes I have felt that the whole education system is such a rat race and hustle culture infused and therefore it's no point in pursuing it further. But mentors like you give me hope, that there are still people who are willing to teach students and work towards building a better future, that there are still people are willing to help and support strangers in time of crisis. Maybe it's not a lost cause after all. I really can't appreciate all the help I get from you everytime since I had never expected a prof to actually talk to me in such details but I'm glad to have connected with you luckily. I feel I'll be learning a lot under your guidance, rather learning a lot about how to learn and grow. Thank you so much for making that option available for me. I had almost believed that I cannot transition anymore and I only have to proceed in life with the work I'm doing and things won't be multidisciplinary anymore. But even seeing your journey and transition just raises hope that if someone I know can, then why not me. I will be thinking everything through now, even with the taiwan thing. When I am back from taiwan, I wanna learn from you if the option remains still available from your side. That's the current course of action that I'm thinking as of now. Also sir it'll be great if you could suggest me some resources or books that you think I should start with if you deem fit. Meanwhile I'll be collecting some materials and would like to cross check with you if I'm going in the right direction. Feedback at this stage is probably the most essential part of learning and it would be great to get some feedback from you time to time. I would again like to emphasis my gratitude towards you , not just for sparing your time, but for uplifting many more students all around the globe, even if it's through your posts. They are really insightful and truly makes people contemplate. ------ Shreya Mahapatra (KIIT Bhubaneshwar, LInkedin)