



言語における意味という分野はいまも研究が進展しつづけている.『言語における意味』が出版されてからも,意味のさまざまな側面を取り扱う著作がたくさん登場している.本書の執筆時に参照できていたらよかったと惜しまれるそうした著作のなかでも,ここではとくに3点に焦点を当てたい.第一に,『意味と関連性』(Wilson & Sperber,2012年).これは現在利用できる関連性理論での最新分析だ.関連性理論は,いくばくかの修正を加えた上で,言語における意味の研究に決定的な貢献をするものだとぼくは考えている.近年の傑出した出版物の第二点目は,『動詞:アスペクトと使役構造』(Croft,2012年)だ.本書の第1章は,「構築(捉え方)」(construal) の概念を精緻化し,意味表象への形式意味論・生成言語学・認知言語学の各アプローチを比較した有益なものとなっている.第3点目は,『文脈における語彙的意味:単語のウェブ』(Asher,2011年).同書は単語の意味への生成言語学的アプローチを具体的に行った産物だ.この生成言語学のアプローチを追求したいと考えている人たちにとって必要不可欠な著作だろう.ただ,論理的な形式的分析になじみが薄い読者にとっては,かなりの難物となることは警告しておくべきかもしれない.







Preface to the Japanese translation of Meaning in Language (Third Edition), by Hirohito Kataoka

A great deal of writing in the discipline of modern linguistics has been in English, and has focussed predominantly on the English language. More recently, two welcome developments have begun to correct this bias. One is the attention being paid to a much wider range of languages; another is the appearance of translations of works written in English into other languages. For this latter reason I welcome this translation of  my Meaning in Language into Japanese. My intention in writing this book was to bring an awareness of the richness and fascination of meaning phenomena to a wider audience than specialists in linguistic semantics. The readership I originally envisaged was of course an English-speaking one, but I am happy that it is now being made accessible to Japanese readers, who I hope will enjoy it as an introduction to the study of meaning, and will find in it pointers to ways of thinking about their own language.

Research in the field of meaning in language is continually advancing. Since Meaning in Language was published, a number of books treating aspects of meaning have appeared. I would like to highlight three of these which would have been referred to if they had been available at the time of writing. The first is Meaning and Relevance (Wilson & Sperber, 2012), which provides the most up-to-date treatment of Relevance Theory currently available. I believe that Relevance Theory, with some modification, has a vital contribution to make to the study of meaning in language. The second significant recent publication is Verbs: Aspect and Causative Structures (Croft, 2012). The first chapter of this book elaborates the notion of construal, and gives a useful comparison of formal semantic, generative and cognitive linguistic approaches to semantic representation. The rest of the book presents a detailed grammatical semantic account of verb meaning. My third selection is Lexical Meaning in Context: A Web of Words (Asher, 2011). This exemplifies a generative approach to word meaning. It would be essential reading for anyone wishing to pursue this approach, but readers with a limited familiarity with logical formalisms should perhaps be warned that it is quite challenging.

Finally, I would like to thank Hirohito Kataoka not only for undertaking the task of translating this book, but also for pointing out errors in the English text which had escaped my notice and for suggesting useful changes.


Alan Cruse

Bramhall, Cheshire, UK

September 2012