Our Pack
Pack 496 has a great program for boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grades. Most of our members come from the following local schools,
Minshew Elementary
Glen Oaks Elementary
McClure Elementry
But we welcome other boys and girls in the area who are interested in joining Cub Scouting. Cub Scout Pack 496 is chartered by Trinity Presbyterian Church in McKinney, Texas, and is part of Circle 10 Council in the the Lone Star District.
Where We Meet
Pack Meetings:
Pack Meetings are usually held on the fourth Thursday of the month. The monthly pack meeting brings together boys and girls from every den, their leaders, and their families, to participate in a event that can serve as a showcase for everything the boys and girls have learned and done in their individual den meetings. The pack meeting gives the boys and girls a larger experience beyond their own den, and helps them to connect their individual activities to the entire Cub Scouting program.
Den Meetings:
Dens generally meet 1-2 times a month to work on advancement, belt loops, badges and to have fun while learning new skills. Meetings may take place at Trinity Presbyterian Church, a park or someone's home. Webelos are encouraged to go on overnights either camping or visiting exciting places.
Pack Committee Meetings:
Pack Committee meets once a month virtually to plan and coordinate Pack meetings and discuss Den accomplishments. Parents and leaders always invited to attend and share their talents and ideas. We are always needing more help from parents!
Special Events & Activities
Our Pack stays busy year-round with special events, such as the Pinewood Derby Race, and overnight campouts. We also have various events such as the Cub Mobile, Bear Carnival, monthly hikes to look forward to throughout the year!
Overnight Trips
Pack 496 organizes two overnight trips per school year:
fall campout (typically in late October or early November)
spring campout (typically in late March)
These overnights are for the whole pack and always lots of fun. Don't miss it! (Older dens for grades 4 and 5 may, in addition to the pack campouts, organize their own den campouts.)
One parent must attend the overnight with their scout; we welcome siblings to attend, as well! On campouts your scout will sleep with you in your tent. If your family is not accustomed to camping, don’t worry; the pack will help you prepare, and all of the meals are cooked in camp by the pack.
Total time away from home for an overnight trip is usually not more than 24 hours (midday Saturday to midday Sunday). Campouts are usually close to home, so it's almost like camping right in your own backyard.
Note: Every parent or legal guardian who attends an overnight trip is required to complete the BSA’s Youth Protection Training, a 70-minute online course. This training is valid for 2 years. If your scout will be accompanied by a relative or other adult who is not a legal guardian, additional requirements apply.
Special Events
Besides the overnight trips, there are two other major annual events on the pack calendar.
Pinewood Derby: Each year in the winter, our pack runs a Pinewood Derby where scouts race small, wooden toy cars that they build from a kit with the help of parents. Some scouts try to build the fastest car, while others focus on creative designs. We offer awards for both! See our Pinewood Derby page for more details!
Blue & Gold Banquet: Also, usually in February, our pack hosts an awards banquet where we celebrate the anniversary of Scouting and recognize our oldest Cub Scouts who are advancing from 5th grade to middle school where they will continue their Scouting journey in a Scouts BSA troop with other Scouts age 11-17 to hopefully earn the coveted Eagle Scout rank. Our pack feeds into several excellent, local Scouts BSA troops for boys and girls.
Summertime Activities
Pack Outings: During summer months (June, July, August) there are no pack or den meetings, but the pack does organize a few activities for scouts who want to get together for a fun activity like our "Rocket Launch into Summer," riding bikes in McKinney's Fourth of July Parade, movie night and a pool party!
Summer Camps: Our local BSA council offers day camps and resident camps in the summer. At these camps, Cub Scouts can swim, fish, shoot archery and BB guns, do scoutcraft, and many other fun activities. These opportunities are normally advertised in the early spring.
Pinewood Derby Race
Rocket Launch
Cubs on Bikes
Family Campouts
The Pack Needs You!
Cub Scouting is hands on. Whether you’re helping scouts learn how to tie knots, showing them how to use a hammer, or teaching them how to cook their own breakfast, we need you! Cub Scouting is a family event, designed to provide activities for parents to do with their Scouts to make lifelong memories. The Pack is run by volunteers, and we need every family to participate in order to make it successful. We expect each family to volunteer in some way during the year, plus volunteering benefits both you and the scouts! No experience necessary, we'll walk beside you every step of the way, providing you with training and resources to help.
1. You'll get to interact with your scouts while doing fun, unique activities. It may not seem like it right now, but we really don’t have a lot of time with our boys before they’re off to live their own lives.
2. Dip your toes in the water. Parents must attend all meetings with their scouts. This a great time to volunteer for small projects while learning more about how your Den and Pack functions.
3. Consider sharing responsibilities. Pair up with another parent to be co-leaders of a den, organize a Pack activity or special den functions. Scouting's more fun when everyone is involved!
4. Are you outgoing or reserved? There are lots of behind the scene things you can do to help, like keeping track of advancement and awards for your den. Leading songs or teaching skits are good jobs for the parents who are outgoing. We have something for everyone!
5. What are your talents? The scouts will be given the opportunity to learn lots of fun new things during their scouting years, and your hobby or interest may be a perfect fit!
Pack Leadership
The Cubmaster, Den leaders, and a Committee of volunteer parents (JUST LIKE YOU!) run the Pack. The Pack leaders meet once a month to plan events, manage the Pack records and finances, train new leaders and assist the Dens. All parents are encouraged to participate in the leadership of the Pack. The following parent volunteers are responsible for the running for the Pack. Individual Dens have separate parent volunteer leaders.
Cubmaster: Nathan Lacey
Assistant Cub Master(s): Jon Casey
Pack Committee Members:
Committee Chair: Bryan Skarke
Membership Chair: Maggi Lightsey
Advancements Coordinator: Michael Gaskey
Camping Chair:
Fundraising Chair:
Service Project Coordinator: Genie Sullivan
Treasurer: Thad Hutcheson
Webmaster/Communications: Lara Lewis
Pack Trainer: Courtney Lacey
Unit Commissioner: