Working Papers

Working Papers

Luik, M., Steinhardt, M. , Voß, S. (2023):

Language Proficiency and Homeownership - Evidence from U.S. Immigrants.  DP School of Business & Economics, No. 2023/3 .

Merlino, L., Steinhardt, M. , Wren-Lewis. L. (2022): 

The long run impact of childhood interracial contact on residential segregation. IZA Discussion Paper No.  15538 . Revise & Resubmit at Journal of Public Economics.

Berlemann, M., Haustein, E., Steinhardt, M. (2021): 

From Stocks to Flows - Evidence for the Climate-Migration-Nexus , IZA Discussion Paper No.  14450 .

Steinhardt, M. (2018): 

The Impact of Xenophobic Violence on the Integration of Immigrants, IZA Discussion Paper No. 11781.

Berlemann, M., Steinhardt, M., Tutt, J. (2015):

Natural Disasters and Saving - Empirical Evidence from a Natural Experiment, IZA Discussion Paper No. 9026.