
Selected publications in academic journals

Troya Martinez, Marta and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2023). Managing relational contracts

Journal of the European Economic Association, 21(3): 941-986. Gated version here, teaching materials here.

Wren-Lewis, Liam, Becerra-Valbuena, Luis and Houngbedji, Kenneth. (2020) “Formalizing land rights can reduce forest loss: Experimental evidence from Benin”

Science Advances, 6(26). Summary for VoxDev here.

Merlino, Luca, Max Steinhardt and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2019). More than just friends? School peers and adult interracial relationships

Journal of Labor Economics, 37(3): 663-713. Gated version here.

Brewer, Mike, and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2016). Accounting for changes in income inequality: Decomposition analyses for Great Britain, 1968-2009

Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, 78: 289–322. 

Wren-Lewis, Liam. (2015) Do infrastructure reforms reduce corruption? Theory and evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean

World Bank Economic Review, 29(2):353-384.

Estache, Antonio, Tomas Serebrisky and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2015). Financing infrastructure in developing countries

Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 31(3-4): 279-304. Gated version here. 

Wren-Lewis, Liam. (2013) Commitment in utility regulation: A model of reputation and policy applications

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 89:210-231. Gated version here.

Estache, Antonio and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2009). Toward a theory of regulation for developing countries: Following Jean-Jacques Laffont’s lead

Journal of Economic Literature 47 (3): 729-70. Gated version here.

Working papers

Merlino, Luca, Max Steinhardt and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2023).  "The long run impact of childhood interracial contact on residential segregation". Revise & Resubmit at Journal of Public Economics. 

Vanden Eynde, Oliver and Liam Wren-Lewis (2024) “Complementarities in infrastructure: Evidence from Indian Agriculture"

Hémet, Camille Liam Wren-Lewis Jessica Mahoney (2024). "Decentralization, ethnic fractionalization, and public services: Evidence from Kenyan healthcare"

Kalmbach, Aino, Matti Sarvimaki and Liam Wren-Lewis (2022) "The impact of childhood immigrant exposure on adult intermarriage"

Other publications in academic journals

Auriol, Emmanuelle, Antonio Estache and Liam Wren-Lewis (2018) Can Supranational Infrastructure Regulation Compensate for National Institutional Weaknesses?

Revue Economique, 69(6): 913-936. 

Gignoux, Jérémie, Karen Macours and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2015). Impact of land administration programs on agricultural productivity and rural development: existing evidence, challenges and new approaches  

Revue d’Études en Agriculture et Environnement, 96(3):467-498.

Wren-Lewis, Liam. (2014). Utility regulation in Africa: How relevant is the British model?

Utilities Policy, 31:203-205. Gated version here.

Chapters in books

Wren-Lewis, Liam. (2016). Réduire la corruption dans le secteur réglementé des infrastructures 

in L'éthique de la gestion publique. Stratégies nationales et internationales de prévention de la corruption, Guenoun and Adrian (Eds.), Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France / IGPDE. Book available here.

Chinsinga,Blessings and Liam Wren-Lewis (2013) Grabbing land in Malawi 

in Corruption, Grabbing and Development: Real World Challenges, Søreide and Williams (Eds.), 2013, Edward Elgar, Northampton. Book available here or here.

Summary on the Land Portal blog here.

Wren-Lewis, Liam. (2013) Anti-corruption Policy in Regulation and Procurement: The Role of International Actors

in Anti-Corruption Policy: Can International Actors Play a Constructive Role?, Rose-Ackermann and Carrington (eds.), 2013, Carolina Academic Press. Book available here.

Estache, Antonio and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2011) Anti-corruption policies in theories of sector regulation

in Rose-Ackerman and Søreide (eds.), International Handbook on the Economics of Corruption, Volume II, Edward Elgar, Northampton. Book available here .

Wren-Lewis, Liam. (2011) Regulatory capture: Risks and solutions

in Antonio Estache (ed.), Emerging Issues in Competition, Collusion and Regulation of Network Industries, CEPR, London. Book available here.

Estache, Antonio and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2010). Regulation and development 

in Cave, Baldwin and Lodge (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Regulation, 2010, 371-406, Oxford Univeristy Press, Oxford. Book available here.

Other publications and working papers

Wren-Lewis, Liam (2024) What are the long-term impacts of inter-ethnic contact? 

International Migration Economics Chair Policy Brief 11

Vanden Eynde, Oliver and Liam Wren-Lewis (2022) Infrastructures et développement rural: L'exemple de l'Inde

Collection du CEPREMAP n° 61

Clarke, Daniel and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2016). Solving commitment problems in disaster risk finance

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 7720

Summary on the GlobalDev blog.

Wren-Lewis, Liam. (2016). Designing contracts for the Global Fund: Lessons from the theory of incentives

Center for Global Development Working Paper 425

Clarke, Daniel and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2013). Learning from Lemons: The Role of Government in Index Insurance for Individuals

FERDI Policy Brief, No. 70.

Gignoux, Jérémie, Karen Macours and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2013) Evaluating the impact of land administration programs on agricultural productivity and rural development

IADB Technical Note, No. IDB-TN-506

Wren-Lewis, Liam. (2013). Corruption in land administration: Roles for donors to minimise the problem

U4 Brief, March 2013:1. 

Wren-Lewis, Liam. (2013). Hold-up problems in international energy trade

Brewer, Mike, and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2011) Why did Britain's households get richer? Decomposing UK household income growth between 1968 and 2008-09

Institute for Fiscal Studies Briefing Note 125

Cobham, Alex and Liam Wren-Lewis (2011) Is ‘more’ enough: Reassessing the impact of growth on inequality and poverty

Christian Aid Occasional Paper 5

Brewer, Mike, Ali Muriel and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2009). Accounting for changes in inequality since 1968: decomposition analyses for Great Britain

National Equality Panel Research Report.

Brewer, Mike, Luke Sibieta and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2008). Racing away? Income inequality and the evolution of high incomes

Institute for Fiscal Studies Briefing Note 76.

Cust, Jim and Ali Klevnäs and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2007). The rising cost of the Iraq war

Iraq Analysis Group Briefing

Raworth, Kate and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2006). How change happens in the private sector

Oxfam International `From Poverty to Power’ Case Study, 2006 

Raworth, Kate, Sumi Dhanarajan and Liam Wren-Lewis. (2006). The private sector and poverty reduction

Oxfam International `From Poverty to Power’ Background Paper


DPhil Thesis

Wren-Lewis, Liam. (2010). Regulation of utilities in developing countries

DPhil thesis, University of Oxford