M2 APE & PPD: Masters' Dissertation workshops - Development

Please see the course website for details

This course is for students interested in writing a masters' dissertation in development economics. The first session will present the development faculty, to give you an idea about what topics each person works on.

Links to useful advice on choosing (and pursuing) a dissertation topic:

(NB: Some of these articles are discussed in the frame of doing a PhD, but almost all of the same ideas apply - a good master's dissertation would make a good PhD chapter)

Advice by Don Davis (Columbia) on starting a thesis

Presentation by Amy Finkelstein on how she does empirical research

Advice from Steve Pischke – two first pages are most relevant

Advice from Darren Lubotsky – first page is most relevant (page 1)

Article on choosing a PhD topic

Some general advice on starting a PhD from twitter (a mixed bag in terms of advice)