Study Day

Pre-workshop Study Day at Raffles Institution

An introduction to the Mathemusical Conversations International Workshop

THURSDAY, 12 February 2015

One, Raffles Institution Lane, Singapore 575954

The pre-workshop Study Day is designed to provide an initiation to the Mathemusical Conversations international workshop for junior college and advanced secondary school students and teachers.  Music Elective Programme students, and students strong in Mathematics and/or Computer Science are especially encouraged to attend.

Study Day Registration Deadline: 21 January 2015 (Register at

Workshop Registration: see instructions HERE

Study Day Programme

2:15pm - 2:30pm     Registration

2:30pm - 3:00pm    I. Introduction and Overview

This session with give an introduction to, and overview of, the Mathemusical Conversations workshop

3:00pm - 3:30pm     II. Goldberg Variations Re-imagined (excerpts)

This session will give a preview of a newly composed arrangement of Bach’s Goldberg Variations for two pianos, touching upon some of the design considerations in the re-composition.

3:30pm - 4:40pm    III. Around the World in 80 Minutes

Music-Mathematics/Computing Research at STMS, IRCAM-CNRS-UPMC (France)

The mixed research lab is an umbrella organization cutting across the CNRS, the UPMC, the French Ministry of Culture, and IRCAM around multidisciplinary research on Sciences and Technologies for Music and Sound.

Music-Mathematics/Computing Research at C4DM, QMUL (UK)

Founded in 2001, the Centre for Digital Music is a world-leading multidisciplinary research group in the field of Music and Audio Techology, and the UK’s leading research group in Digital Music.

Music Information Retrieval research, with focus on work at McGill (Canada), C4DM/QMUL (UK), and the National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science (Japan)

Music information retrieval is concerned with the accessing, analysis, and organizing of digital music with the aim to enhance the way we interact with music.


4:40pm - 6:00pm    IV. Breakout Sessions: Concrete Examples

Session I: 4.50-5.20pm/ Session II: 5.30-6:00pm, with 10 minutes movement time in between sessions.  Each session is offered twice, and participants should choose two of the three to attend.

a. Modeling dynamic changes in recorded performances

Expressive music performance is characterized by variations in dynamic levels. We explore the questions: How can we quantify and investigate dynamic variations in expressive performances? How do dynamic markings in the score relate to variations in dynamic levels? Can we use these properties to determine similarity between performers?

b. Explaining and predicting perception of musical structure

Listeners can hear groups of notes as single sound units; the same goes for groups of groups, and so on. Explaining and predicting how listeners perceive this grouping structure is a formidable challenge. In this session, we will survey and compare models of grouping structure in psychology, computer science and musicology.

c. Vibrato detection and analysis: a cross-cultural case study

Vibrato is a pervasive expressive device in vocal, string, and wind performances. It is frequently used to enhance and make selected notes stand out against others. This presentation provides an introduction to the basics of vibrato detection and analysis, with application to a cross-cultural study of violin vs. erhu vibrato playing styles.


Hosts: Ruth Rodrigues, Jasmine Chong, Hoh Chung Shih.

Study Day Registration (Deadline 21 January 2015):

Workshop Registration (Deadline 31 January 2015): INFO