
Jian Yang (Associate Professor, Nanjing University of the Arts; Deputy Director, National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center; Founder/Director, Musicology Network; Leader, Nanjing Philharmonic Orchestra)

Yang, Jian (杨健) obtained his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in engineering, violin and musicology respectively and is an associate professor and deputy director of the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Digital Media Art at Nanjing University of the Arts, China. He is also the director of China Musicology Network, council member of Society for Western Music in China and the concertmaster of Nanjing Philharmonic Orchestra. He gives concerts regularly and has published many award-winning articles, books, CDs and apps. Yang's sojourn in Cambridge, UK as a visiting scholar of Music Faculty and St John's College in the academic year 2013-2014 led to media coverage in outlets such as BBC, Cambridge University Website, Cambridge News and CCTV (China Central Television). Recently, he was awarded the First Prize of the 14th Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation Outstanding Young Teachers of Higher Education, one of the most highly recognised prizes for young scholars in China.

Website - media.nua.edu.cn/s/70/t/670/19/ed/info6637.htm