
Singapore StraitsTimes (Sunday, 15 February 2015)

Concert review: Mathemusical performance shows maths can resound with human emotions

Canonic Offerings was a concert and part of Mathemusical Conversations, an international workshop on music and mathematics organised by the National University of Singapore's Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Yong Siew Toh Conservatory.

Queen Mary University of London (Friday, 13 February 2015)

QMUL Professor collaborates on Singapore music and mathematics conference

Professor Elaine Chew from QMUL’s Centre for Digital Music is invited convener of, and speaker and performer at, a unique international workshop to be hosted at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore.

Sorbonne Universités

Pleins feux sur Singapour Sorbonne Universités a conclu trois accords et renforce sa présence dans la Cité-État

Quatre chercheurs français sont invités à participer à ces premières Mathemusical Conversations co-organisées par Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music et l’Institute for Mathematical Sciences en collaboration avec la Queen Mary University of London et l’Unité Mixte de Recherche STMS qui implique le CNRS, l’UPMC, l’IRCAM et le Ministère Français de la Culture.

Institut Français Singapour

French Researchers to Join the "Mathemusical Conversations"

Four French researchers are invited to share their scientific expertise during the first Mathemusical Conversations (13-15 February 2015) jointly hosted by the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music and the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, in collaboration with the Queen Mary University of London and the French Mixte Resarch Unit STMS which involves CNRS, UPMC, the French Ministry of Culture, and IRCAM.